Chapter 10: from vanta white, to a bloody dalmatian

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Sunny was angry. How could Dipankar pick Thirupathi Raju to be his best man instead of him? Seriously, what did he ever do to him?

Dipankar was still slightly bruised but the makeup artists did their job and hid the bruises.
Nan's parents thought it was a joke and jokingly signed the documents permitting the children to marry.

But they hadn't known that it was real. And that they weren't invited.
Sam, Nan, and Nikki, waited in the dressing room, while Beth looked stunning. Despite being thirteen the makeup made her look older. She wore a ball gown-like wedding dress without straps and it was a beautiful white.

She smiled at the mirror taking deep breaths. "I mean this is the rest of my life," she sighed.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Sam asked, hoping she was. Maybe they could sell off the dress since the boutique wouldn't take returns.

"Have you booked the wedding venue yet?" Nikki asked.

The wedding planner, Taylor Hutchinson nodded, "Of course! The bride and groom agreed on a destination wedding," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

The wedding planner, Taylor Hutchinson was renowned, and known for working on weddings for the actress, Mare Beckett, and the singer, Demi Channer. She was probably only twenty-five.

"And where is the destination?" Sam asked suspiciously.

Hopefully they wouldn't make their wedding in the middle of North Korea and make them get beheaded by the dictator. But Dipankar was South Korean. Not that he mentioned it.

"The beautiful Swiss Mountains!" Taylor exclaimed, with a big smile on her face. She seemed nice, but also one of those over-doers when it came to events.

Sam sighed in relief. Thank goodness.

Nan patted down on Beth's wavy hair, thinking of all the memories she had with her little sister. Now this ugly part Swiss, Korean, and North Indian was going to marry her. She really didn't deserve this monstrosity.

"I'm hungry," Beth complained. "Will someone grab me something please?"

Taylor nodded and her assistant quickly, but gracefully, ran into the dorm's mini kitchen and pulled the pantry door open. She peered inside, eager to find something that Beth would like.

"Hey! Isn't there leftover Ramen from yesterday's dinner?" Beth said, expecting her to immediately heat it up with no words being said. She was the bride, anyway.

"Hmmmm, let's see here... Ooooh found it!" Taylor's assistant said with relief. She pulled out the plastic container and put it in the microwave. Beth started to really understand what being the bride really was! She could practically take advantage of everyone there! She hadn't seen the rings yet, since Dipankar said it was a surprise. In her mind, she was imagining a beautiful silver ring, with a big ruby in the middle, with a bunch of little diamonds on the band. She couldn't wait for her beloved Dippy to place this ring on her own finger!

"So, what now?" Sam asked, tired of standing there for, what it felt like, an eternity. She made her way to the couch and plopped herself down. All of a sudden, their doorbell chimed. Who could it be this time.

Nikki stepped over Beth's long dress, and unlocked the door. It was Sawyer. Thoughts raced through Nikki's head. So now Sawyer wanted to talk for once?

"Hi." Sawyer started with a straight face. He slowly took off his hood, for the first time in like a week.

"What do you want this time, Shrimp?" Nikki asked, looking at the wall with hatred.

"I came here to ask if you could tell me the wedding's date. I have a PUB-G tournament soon, so I might have to skip it if it's at the same time as the wedding." Shrimpy asked with a really serious face.

Nikki chuckled loudly. He had to be kidding. How could he skip his 'friend's' wedding to attend a stupid video game tournament.

Beth's jaw fell open. He did not. She stepped forward, not even tripping or faltering once, confidently strutting towards him in her five-inch stilettos.

Nan tensed up. Her sister could barely walk in heels. What was she doing?

"Hey, um, Taylor," Sam said, stuttering. "Will you please step inside the bedroom for a moment?"

Taylor nodded her head nervously, signaling her assistant to come with her. She and her assistant strutted into the bedroom. Sam trailed along behind them and slammed the bedroom door shut and locked it so they wouldn't come out. She knew what was going to happen next. Both Nikki and Sam looked at each other and backed all the way to the corner of the dorm.

Beth stopped in front of him, the expression on her face unreadable, and she walked up to him, and with all of her force and strength, which was a lot considering that she was a gymnast, she smacked Sawyer in the face at least 20 times, and hard. His face was starting to bruise and his cheek cut.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN ASK? MY WEDDING IS COMING AND ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS THAT IDIOTIC GAME?" She screeched, lifting up the gown and with all the strength in her she socked him in the nose, blood dripping down. Little did Beth know, the blood had dripped right down onto her freshly-washed dress.

The drops of blood finally caught her attention until she shoved him as hard as she could. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" she screeched, as he thudded out the door, falling, all six feet and three inches of his troll body making a loud sound as the floor hugged him.

She slammed the door shut with infuriation. Sam unlocked the bedroom door where Taylor and her assistant were waiting in, expecting for them to take care of what had just happened to Beth's wedding dress. They both ran out to Beth and examined the red stains on it.

The assistant looked horrified, Taylor didn't look surprised. "This isn't the first time I've gotten blood on a wedding dress. Murder before the wedding. We can fix the dress, you didn't murder anybody did you? If you did, your lawyers and trial and court hearing would be hard to fit in with the wedding, but we can make it work," Taylor said calmly.

Nikki's eyes went wide. Woah. She was insanely good at her job.

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