Chapter 4: demonic creatures

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  People were running in all directions, hoping that they wouldn't be the clown's next victim. Sawyer had lost his phone during all the chaos and was frantically searching for it while Sunny picked up Bud and ran.
"EVERYBODY INSIDE! QUICKLY!" A teacher screamed on a megaphone.
Nan, Nikki, and Sam exchanged glances, and Nan frantically searched for Frankie while dragging an unconscious Beth.

"You must be my future sister-in-law, how great, my sister-in-law is famo-" Dipankar started.
"Zip it Mr.Boyfriend, carry your girlfriend," Nan said, and with great difficulty he picked up Beth, and he was sweating from the effort.
Frankie quickly came back, and went into Nan's pet bag.
Nikki and Sam grabbed their suitcases, and the three of them quickly ran inside the building.
They were the first people to go in, and Thirupathi Raju was crying, his oil and sweat mixing together and they started to drip into the floor.
Dipankar was panting out-of-breath, and finally sat on the ground.
But when they came to their senses they saw another sight.
A girl, who was tiny, scrawny, and short. She couldn't be more than eight. She wore a plain white cotton dress, and her hair was in front of her face. Her hair was long, straight, thin, and black. She looked possessed. Her skin was dirty and brown, and it was impossible if that was dirt buildup or her natural skin.
Nikki, Sam, and Nan huddled together, and Sunny let out a scream again, and ran out in another direction, and was probably going to be lost inside the enormous boarding school.

The guy who was known as "Uncle Brian" was standing inside the main entrance of the school. He seemed like he wasn't doing anything to help though; he was just standing there, looking at his crusty nails.
Sawyer however was monotone as usual.
There was another girl next to her who could be older, and she was trembling and shaking and holding a pile of rocks. She was silently crying, heavy and huge tears streaming down her face.

Even the teachers looked frightened of the girl. The girl growled loudly and made a loud clicking sound.
"Of course Thalia, I am forever in debt to you," the taller girl, who looked older, trembled and gave her a rock.
Thalia, as she had been called, sharply turned her neck, and unclenched her hands and opened her mouth.
Through the curtain of hair, the other girl fed a rock into her mouth. Thalia swallowed it in one gulp.
Nikki gasped in horror.

Thalia slapped the other girl. "Malia, bad." She made more loud clicks and growls, and made a demonic screech and exposed her long yellow nails which were dirty.
As quietly and slowly as possible, Nan took Frankie out of her bag and clutched him tightly. Even Frankie seemed to understand that he had to be quiet.
"If you don't move and if you aren't loud, she probably can't see us," Sam whispered to her sister and friend.
"Like a T-Rex? I learned that from Jurassic Park," Nan commented.
"Exactly like that," Sam responded.
"Guys, we need to get out of here," Nikki whispered as quietly as possible.

One more wail came from the taller girl's direction, and Thalia and Malia were nowhere to be seen. Nan, Nikki and Sam were all horrified as they looked back at the place Thalia and Malia used to be and realized they were not there anymore; they had disappeared into thin air.

Meanwhile, Thirupathi Raju was trembling like crazy and was curled up into a ball near the glass entrance doors.
"T.R are you okay?" Harrison asked, leaning down.
"She was so scary," he whimpered, tears collecting in his eyes.
"It'll be okay T.R, stay strong," Harrison said.
This did little to comfort T.R.
"And Percy West ate my sister," he sobbed.
"You have me, and we're like brothers," Harrison said. What was he supposed to say to somebody who just watched their sister get eaten by a cannibal?

This made Thirupathi Raju cry even uglier than before. He clutched Harrison's arm and bawled his hardest, the type of bawling where snot came out of his nose.
Harrison could've led the best life, probably even become best friends with Nan, Nikki, Sam, and Beth. But he chose to be friends with a guy who had no concept of personal hygiene. With Scottish and Australian ancestry, he grew up in both Scotland and Australia, and adopted both accents. He moved to America shortly before his dad wrote the Titanic musical.
"I want Rajesh back!" he wailed.
Harrison couldn't fathom how devastated T.R must've felt.

The room quickly cleared out, trying to erase their minds from Thalia.
Harrison was an only child, and often thought of T.R as his brother, and Rajesh as his younger sister. He couldn't help but feel a little insulted that T.R didn't think of him as family.
Harrison pulled out his wand, gifted to him by his mother. She ensured Titanic the Musical's success, and he trusted her guidance. With a quick swish of the wand, the dirt off of Thirupathi's face washed away, and his skin was clear like Dipankar, and he suddenly was the perfect balance of lean and muscular, and Thirupathi lifted himself off of the ground. He wanted Thirupathi to think of him like a brother.

Thirupathi smiled, "Oh my, I look so cool!" he exclaimed. His voice was even deeper. He had strength. He had stamina, a word that didn't even exist in his world.

Harrison smiled. "But the spell will wash away at midnight, so be careful T.R," Harrison warned. Thriupathi nodded, "You're the best Harrison!" he said, and hugged him. At this, Harrison's nostrils burned at Thirupathi's smell and he gagged. It was human nature after all.

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