'' you are welcome," I smiled, before finally closing the door.


" Nana?"
" Mum?" Eva and Mercy looked surprised to see me.

" You are now used to coming here without informing us, are you?" Mercy rolled her eyes.

" This is my home as well, so I can come anytime," I answered, sitting down.

" No it is not, your home is at the Kangwa mansion," she smirked.

" Are the rumors true?" Eva who had moved closer to me asked," did Natasha kill Dr. Marteus?"

" Yes Eva, she did," I answered gloomily.

" But why?" Disappointment could be heard in her voice.

" Because she is not a good person," Mercy answered.

" He was Sam and Becca's Father,"

" What?" They both exclaimed.

" How?" Eva was perplexed.

" They are not Jaden's biological daughters, Natasha lied, Jaden found out the truth when Sam was involved in an accident.
He wanted to donate blood for her but he couldn't do it, because their blood didn't match.
That prompted him to get a DNA test and the results showed that he wasn't her father.
When he confronted Natasha, she confused the truth, how she lied about the father of the girls and killed him," I informed.

" This is hard to digest," astonishment was showing all over Eva's face.

" Wow, that is so sad," Mercy said, shaking her head, "where are Samantha and Rabbecca?"

" Jaden asked them to go back to their husband's houses and he denounced his relationship with them," I told them.

"But it's not their fault they're just victims in all this," Eva muted to herself.

Despite how Sam treated her and Becca's betrayal she still sympathized with them, what an angel my granddaughter was.

" Eva, Jaden needs you right now," I held her hand.

" But why me?" She returned mine stared.

" Because you are the only one who can calm him down.
Eva Jaden only listens to you.
GAI needs someone to manage it but Jaden is down, let him see you, even just for a day," I convinced her.

" Nana," she rolled her eyes and removed her hand from my hold.

" Please Eva?" I pleaded with her.

" Mummy, do you think I should go?" She turned to Mercy, who nodded after glancing at me.

" Yes darling, go and talk to him, that man is your father, remember he raised you," she added.

" Ok, I'll go and see him," she agreed, making me smile.

" We will leave on Wednesday," I told her and she nodded.


Eva's POV.....

" I felt bad when nana told me about the Kangwas," I sighed, as I sat next to Evans.

" Samantha and Rabbecca are not Mr. Kangwa's daughter?" he was equally surprised," and there my cousin was, thinking he had won a jackpot by marrying one of the girls,"

I hit him with a pillow as I laughed at his comment.

" Am serious," he joined the laugh.

'' I feel bad for them, I remember when I found out, I was adopted, it broke me and destroyed my life.
So imaging they are going through the same thing is sad," I said sorrowfully.

" yes, it's kinda sad," he sighed," anyways, far from that I have good news,"

" You finally got a response from the Bank of Zambia?" I asked enthusiastically.

" Not from them, I have been promoted as managing director of Zanaco, Lusaka Branch," he smiled.

I knew it wasn't what he wanted, but it was a promotion, something that would help him push his dramas closer.

" It's not what you wanted, but it's a promotion, so am happy for you," I smiled.

" It will help me push my papers, Zanaco bank Lusaka, is near to BOZ, so it's an advantage," he assured me and I nodded.

" So when are you leaving?"

" On Sunday, I have an interview next week Monday,"
I didn't know why I felt like crying, hearing the fact that he was leaving.

" Nana and I will be traveling to Lusaka on Wednesday," I informed him.

" What's there?"
" Am going to see daddy," I answered staring away from him.

" You are finally ready to see him?" He was still fixing his gaze on me.

" I think I am," I finally built the courage to look at him.

" If you say so," he smiled, "good luck,"

" Thank you," I whispered as he kissed my forehead.

We are done, hope you enjoyed it, don't miss the chapters that follow, I can assure you they will uncover so much mystery.
Nevertheless, don't forget to comment and vote.

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