Another problem? - CHAPTER THIRTY ONE

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That day Liv and I spent the whole day laughing and her cheering me up. We did everything to have fun. She drove around and played loud music. We cried our eyes out about how we felt. We laughed because of how ugly we looked crying. And then we ended the day with stuffing our faces with burgers and fries from In n Out.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I yelled at Antonio. "What the fuck do you mean he's gone?" I grab my gun and shot the guard. "He didn't even keep him in a fucking cell for five minutes?" I run my fingers through my hair frustrated.

"Even a fucking baby could do his job!" Antonio turns his head in confusion and laughs. "Imagine a little baby running around in a suit telling people what to do." Antonio laughs still. "Shut the fuck up!" I yell at him and he stops laughing. "Geez why do you have to be so mean?" He mumbled.

I breathe and walk up the steps of the basement and into the living room. I hear an angelic laugh coming from the front door as it opens. It's my kittens voice.

"Liv stop ur gonna make me pee my pants." I laugh so hard. "And then when he put it in, I was like is it in yet? And he said yeah can you feel it? And I was like do you know what baby carrots are?" And we both laugh. "Liv you're so funny!" I laugh.

I turn to see Leo walking up the stairs. He stressed, I can see it through his eyes. I just know it. I stop laughing and I drop my purse on the couch and go up to him. He brings out his hand and I hug him tightly.

She gives me the tightest hug i've ever gotten. "Are you ok baby?" I ask her. "Yeah I just know you need a hug." She says back. I just hum in response. She just knows something is up and I didn't even tell her that Edward went missing cause my guards are dumb for not watching him.

The good thing was that I already had someone clear the house to make sure he wasn't in the house. I need to tell her.

"Baby I have to tell you some-" The doorbell rings. "Are you expecting company?" She asks. I shook my head now and walk to the door. I pick up my gun and open the door ready to shoot. But there was no one there but a box.

I grab it and lock the door. The brown box has a paper attached to it that says: "Im watching you." I open the box and it's a CD. I walk into the living room and put the CD in the CD player we have for business purposes. 

I turn the TV on and the video starts to play. It's a recording of Lexi and Liv getting home. The angle is from far away meaning who ever recorded it is far from here. Lexi gasps and I walk over to her and hold her. "Who would send this? And why would they send it?" She asks. 

"Ok well we need to talk. Something happened while you were out with Liv. Edward got out. My guards let that ugly ass rat out. So now, I think he's watching us and he wants us to know." I turn to Antonio. "Aye, call a meeting into my office with everyone, we need to discuss some things now that we know we're being watched." Antonio nods his head and walks away. "Babe," she turns her head to me. "You and Liv are going to be in the meeting as well. We're gonna talk about safety ok?" I walk over and kiss her and she walks away to my office with Liv following after. Damn Lexi's ass looks so good from here. I shake my head, this is not the time to think about this. 

I meet everyone in the office and I have Lexi on my lap, while Antonio has Liv in his lap. "Ok, so since we know we're being watched we need to have security up 24/7. I'm going to send 2 groups to clear our safe house 100%. And once we know we're clear we will go to the safe house. Until then, no one sleeps and we stay here. Any questions?" I ask.

"How come you're not going to lead the groups with you?" Some random ass security says. "Because I need to take care of Lexi but, Antonio volunteered to go. Now, does anyone else have a dumbass question?" No one says anything. "Ok everyone get out." Everyone leaves and Lexi tries getting out of my lap and I pull her back. "Where are you going?" I ask. Her breath hitches. "Leaving." She lets out.

I play with her waistband. "Oh yeah?" I ask. "Mhm." I put my hand in her pants and she gasps. "Leo what- fuck- what are you doing?" She throws her head back. "I think you know what I'm doing." I rub her clothed pussy. "Fuck Leo. What if Edward is watching?" She asks. And I chuckle and take my hand out. "Ok." I smirk and leave. 

*Hours Later*

Everyone is in their room and Lexi and I are watching a movie in the living room. We stay awake and watch 365 days. Lexi lays with her back against me. Watching the dude fuck the girl made me wanna fuck Lexi. She pushes her ass against my now boner. Oh is she in the mood right now. Interesting. 

I put my hand around her waist and trace her waistband again. "I'm hungry." I tell her. "Well, I don't think we have groceries right now and we can't really go out." I laugh at her remark. "What's so funny?" She asks. I get up, "not that type of hungry babe." She twists her head in confusion. I place her so she laying on her back. 

In one swift move, I pull her pants off with her underwear. And now my head is buried in her thighs. I lick her clit and she moans. "Fuck Leo." I suck where her soft spot is and thrust my tongue quickly. "Fuck Leo. What if she Edward sees?" She picks up my head. "Well let's make a movie he won't forget." I tell her and smirk. I continue to eat her out. She moans, "Fuck Leo keep going I'm close." I suck her clit and thrust my tongue even faster and she cums right in my mouth. I get up and kiss her lips. "Can you taste yourself on me?" I ask her and she hums. "Good girl." I say back.

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