Chapter 14 : Man with a ring

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My hands were moving just fine on the braids and plaiting the silk smooth hairs with the help of ribbons and clipless accessories.

The room was pin drop silent. I also didn't felt something to talk. As I was not the one they thought I was. My mind was just pottering and filled up with the probabilities of consequences that I was imagining.

I was engrossed into my work that I didn't even realise when it was almost over.

Putting up last hairpin, I reverted back fixing my posture, hands clutching to the sides.

That girl didn't even gave a look to her all done hairs, instead keep holding a magazine in her hands.

I felt a pang. Before I could say something. The door open apart lowly.

That fat lady peeking in. Then she opened the door wide and came rushing with a happy-so-happy look.

"Ahh! Gorgeous!", She said looking a little anxious.

"My daughter! Just look at you. You are perfect".

I walked back from them as I didn't had anyone to do with them.

"It'll be alright. I told you once you-"

She stopped and turned her face to me. Twitching her eyebrows she gave me order to leave.

Well! I wasn't dying to stay there either. She was a little rude. As I got out of the room, she slammed the door out loud.

"What's her problem!", I trembled by the noice.

I soon realised I was standing alone in a long hallway illuminated by golden decors with no sign of any sound around.


The chattering ruled the resonating hallways as I stood by the pillar glancing the heaviness of astonishing and luxurious ornamentation again.

The main grand hall seems a bit full of noices of opulenced splendors hovering over the prattle while clinking glasses of wines frequently.

I stood by side not getting in view, just trying to adore the beauty held within the decors which I won't be seeing after.

Suddenly, all chattering came to a quick hold. And everyone turned to the door.

A sudden commotion of clapping snapped me out of my mind.

A loud thunder of applause was heard, people hoo-ing gave a hint that someone was being welcomed.

I was still standing by the side courtains, probably hiding myself.

That's when I felt my heartfelt. My stomach crumbled inside as his glance reached my weary eyes and left them blinkless.

Just how the crowd moved to the sides clapping and shouting in joy. A man walked, like a prince perhaps, with allurance dripping down his aura he walked a monumental small margin suspending the posh apart (crowd of rich people) and gaining the most prestigious presence anyone ever got since this evening.

His moves, the way he was bowing in regards, was absolutely not helping my thumping heart in anyways.

He fondled his hands while passing smile and climbed upon a stage.

He fondled his hands while passing smile and climbed upon a stage

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