Chapter 3 : Going

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"Yes she is coming", onni grabbed my back from behind and gave me a gentle push to get me moving toward SeokJin.

I managed to grab a little motion, while glancing at the Seokjin's face. I gathered myself as I also don't want to loose this opportunity.

Though drowned in nervousness, moving at the man with help of some  pushes  as onni was still dragging me ahead. I smiled brightly and didn't loose the sight of Seokjin's eyes until I reached close to him.

"Let's go", I said delighty.

SeokJin turned towards the door and started walking. I looked at onni before following him. Onni had a sunny smile on her face, who knows what she was thinking that time.

SeokJin hold the door of the cafe for me. Then we set out together.

Coming down to the streets, I noticed that it was dark by then, street lights were shinning on the roads. The street on that day was a little bit crowded, shops were busy with glamorous lightning and handful of customers. But I was more focused on the person walking right next to me.

I glared Seokjin's face again, I saw a expressionless man deeply engaged into his own thoughts and staring straight to the road.

"What are you thinking?", I asked curiously.

My question distracted Seokjin's chain of thoughts and brought him back to the present.

"Oh... nothing just!", He answered as he realised he was lost in his mind.

"The club is not too far, we can go by walking, what you say?", I tried to begin a conversation.

"Ofcourse, that's what I was thinking. Your friend said its just cross 4 streets", he responded.
"Wow the street is also beautiful here, I have never seen this much people".

Seokjin's eyes sparkled when he saw the glitters of the street. The chattering of the people kind of amused him. And I was busy wondering about what he would be wondering.

I always loved the seasons which are neither too hot nor too cold. But that day was more special because a relaxing cool breeze was blowing, and a walk with SeokJin was like cherry on the top.

I, maybe, realised that I liked him, a little. I had never felt something before like that day. But somewhere deep down, I was still unsure and insecure as I met him just on that day. I was not sure, how much should I talk to him? Is he comfortable? What's his likes and hobbies?
Many conflicting thought were overlapping eachother in my conscious.

I was calm from outside but from inside, I was rushing at miles per hour.

We were walking, I was explaining things which I know about the shops on street. It seemed like SeokJin was interested in it. My subject of topic changes as SeokJin wanders his eyes from one place to another.
I was following his eyes, he was following the glittering lights. We were together sharing the vibes. It felt nice.

Suddenly, a stall on the side of road was caught in the sight of SeokJin.

"What's there?", He asked pointing at the stale.

I located the stall by following the direction of his pointing finger. "Oh I guess, its a shop of accessories".

Jin speeded up towards the stall, I followed. When I reached the stall, I just saw a few pendants and bracetes hanging down. I also saw some rings and makeup material. Some lipsticks, mascara, lashes were of inferior brands. I didn't thought to buy anything. So I moved my eyes towards Jin.

I was puzzled to see that what he was looking for in that stall with his wide opened and roaming eyes.
I stood straight by the side quietly to let him finish his examination first.

Suddenly, a hand moved forward towards the pendant section of the stall. Maybe SeokJin found what he was looking for.

His fingers grabbed a pendant, which were almost hidden among the other fancy ones, and dragged it out of the bunch in the light.

A silver coloured metalic chain attached to some letter in front was drawn. I couldn't see the letter as Seokjin's fingers were covering it.

"I want this", Seokjin enlightened.

He immediately brisked into his pocket and placed a heavy note on the stall. Both me and the seller widened our eyes to stare at SeokJin.

"Do you have coins?", The stall owner asked hesitatingly.

Seokjin flickered his eyes and touched his pockets nimbly.  I understood that he might not be having any change.

"Here", I stretched my hand holding the price for the chain.

"No no, you don't have to!", SeokJin tried to stop me. But the seller had already grabbed the change.

"Come on, its fine. Keep it as present on our first meet", I said in persuasive tone.

That's when I hold the chain to have a look. The letter was 'S' , s for Seokjin I guessed.

I passed it to him. He kept it in his pocket and started walking. I was standing there and thinking why he need that? It wasn't fancy though, was it?

After moving ahead, SeokJin stopped and turned back to look at me, to let me know that we are moving. I broke through my thoughts and came to him.

We, together, started walking.


The time slipped easily through our laughs and giggles. I club was visible to us a few steps ahead.

The arc entrance covered with pink and purple lightning was waving a signal of decency. Decoration was weightfree and asthetic, that was soothing my eyes. I was literally impressed by the creativeness for the silver jubilee.

We reached the entrance together. I was still kinda engaged in glaring and appreciating the shimmers of surroundings in my eyes.

"Come to the side", SeokJin awared me that I was standing in the middle of the entrance, blocking the path for others while staring the glimmers.

I moved towards Seokjin's shoulder as I felt shy. SeokJin smiled looking at me behaving like this. He, then, grabbed my hand gently and took me to the entrance gate. I showed our passes to the gatemen standing there.

They looked at our passes, smiled to confirm us that we are good to go. One of the men held the glass gate and pulled it outside to let us go in.

I felt the bass of the music that was going on in there and the cacophonous chatters of people inside.

SeokJin entered first.  I took a deep breathe to relax and got my legs moving to follow him.

  I took a deep breathe to relax and got my legs moving to follow him

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Thanks for reading guys.
Sorry for any writting error.
Peace and love.

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