chapter 7 : Lied

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My mood was lifting up as Onni can be a great company sometimes. She has a good comprehensive skills. Her humour never allows one to feel bored in her company.

Though she is little protected as I knew because I was the one to make efforts to get close to her in the beginning.

But once I got inside her protective circle, our bonding is now nearly unbreakable.

We were walking the path spending some good times, like there was no change of circumstances in either of our lives. We all need such special someone, don't we?

It was going fine but suddenly Onni got a brain wave and she just, "Wait... Its weekend right?". Onni glanced in confusion.

"So what..?".

"Ahh Huh! Your roommate Liza told me that you all are going to some concert this evening! Why you not there?".

"Oh god! When she told you?"
A random response came out of my mouth, I regret that later.

"What do you mean...when? You should have told me about that."

Here she goes.

Onni curiosity always creeps me out. She generally don't care about stuffs but her care is intense for those stuff she actually care about.

I blanked. I felt like my mind has been shut down. I was just blinking my eyes repeatedly.

"Tell me, why you didn't go? Why was you spending all your evening at the coffee shop?".

While me to myself,"Crap! Now I can't even say that I was busy" murmurs ruled.

"I...I was tired!", I said shakingly with low confidence.

"Oh ! I understand. I was also busy in this shop schedules, otherwise I would have considered going with you guys", Onni sighed softly. "Are you still working hard in your job?".

For a moment I was struck by the fact that Onni accepted my excuse. Though I felt bad for lying....again.
In the next second I responded, "My job at pearls beauty care? Yeah ! Its..."

"Come on! Cheer up already! Its fine. Next time we'll go together. Okay?", Onni's bright sunny smile felt so placative. It made me smile too.

I stopped in front of my building and Onni continued going further. We greeted good nights and I turned around.

While walking my heart ached as remembering all the lies I have said to someone who cares so much about me. Maybe I could never forgive myself for that. The pain for not physical so I was able to hide it.

It was chilling outside, but when I entered the sub gate, I felt warm. Still that feeling was physical because my heart was ten times colder than the surroundings could be.

The pain raised when I realized that I didn't tell Onni about my job in pearls, that I...


I got inside the elevator. I was not alone this time. I pushed myself in corner, hide my hand to the side trying to feel warmth.

This continued as usual and I reached my door.

This time I was sure that the room will be vacant so I opened that door like an owner.

The room was pitched dark as expected but my window was open through which the moon light was twinkling on my bed.

White sheets were reflecting the moonlight and scattering it into surrounding. The scene was angelic.

I felt like my bed was waiting for me while looking at the moon, wishing for me to return back. I dashed towards it. And rolled up myself all into the sheets.

It was not warm.

I removed my coat and threw it towards my table aside. The push was not enough for it to reach that table, it fell down on floor.

Getting up from bed for my coat was definitely not my choice. I tried to be relaxed by stretching my limbs under the sheet.

My eyes were not closed, they wandered through the dark part of room. I felt the uncanny emptiness. I realized that I should have gone with my friends. I shouldn't have hung my phone on Liza. Then I wouldn't had lied to Onni. Then I won't have to tug myself into these cold sheets.

Heart still hurted.

My eyes glittered up. I pulled my limbs towards my chest, shrinked myself. Grabbed my sheet tightly and pushed my head on the pillow. Yes, I cried handful that evening.

I didn't remember when my sleep over ruled.

     (Morning 6:30 am)


Door of the room opened, I was so sleepy that I could hear the noise but was not able to open my eyes.

A familiar chatter appeared, I recognised so I pretended not to hear anything.

It was Liza. She returned.
(Liza, my roommate)

I tightly pressed my eyelids to pretend sleeping.

I noticed that there was no noise coming as it was unexpected. I thought Liza would start lecturing me even if I'm asleep.

I assume maybe she left the room or something. I took a quick peek by opening my eyes to the one hundredth of its part.

There she was, standing quiet as the silence before storm. I shutted my eyes and pressed hard.

I knew she saw me, my efforts went in vein.

"YAAA ! I saw you, you know that", she said fumingly.

Her voice was so loud, I literally got scared and woke up like anything.

"YAAA! stop that", I said as I got frightened.

"Explain!", She continued testily.


"You have any last wish!?".

"What the hell you are talking?", I widened my eyes for asking what's with her in early morning.

"Explain why you didn't come? And where the hell is your phone?", Liza started looking around my sides.

"Why do you need my phone?", I said wanderingly.

"Ofcourse to throw it out of the window", she gave me a creepy smile. What she want?

I quickly get off my bed and grabbed my coat fallen down on the floor, as I knew my phone was there. I grabbed my phone in my hand.

She saw me and came towards me.

"Give me...that".

"Why you want to throw it out of the window? Tell me why?".

"See for yourself", Liza backed down and indicated to open my phone.

I realized it was switched off, I did that last evening, I remember now.

"21 MISSED CALLS", what happened, the doom day.

Liza leaned at me, "Now you see...if you are not interested in picking up calls then you shouldn't have a phone. Give me".

Liza came forward to grab my phone. I started going backwards.

"Oh god! Save my phone".


The door of room struck the wall making a banging sound.

There appeared a manly figure holding two big bags in both hands and a box towards his chest.

"So sorry!...the door was about to get close so I had to".

He totally got us distracted.
I didn't recognised him but Liza did.

"There you are Hoseok." be continued....

Thankyou so much for reading guys.
It matters a lot.

Beneath me (BTS Jin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz