Chapter 29: You Will Never Reign

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Third Person Perspective

Would you give up on someone who doesn't want help?


Three days had passed. That's how many days team supergirl has been trying to find a way to use the kryptonian rock as a cure for Sam.

Ben was laying in the bed under the covers and all he could do was watch as Kara slept. He kept tapping his head on the wall, each time it was like a pin dropping to the ground.

He started to think about Reign. Why she was doing what she was doing. Why she had a daughter but yet was a world killer. And that's when it hit him. It was like a lightbulb going off in his head.

The blue blitz instantly uses his super speed to run out of the bedroom and he returns to the kitchen with a white board. He runs out again and this time returns with everything on Reign and Sam.

He sat down on the chair and lifted his legs onto the table, his eyes stayed on the whiteboard for what possibly was hours.


Kara woke up from a deep sleep, and she felt around the bed. Her eyes open when she doesn't feel Ben laying there.

She looks up at her surroundings and her eyes move around the bedroom for a few moments.

Kara: Ben?

She doesn't get an answer and so she gets up out of the bed and she puts her robe on.

Kara walks out of the bedroom and sees Emilia sleeping on the couch, Kara was happy she was asleep, she had been worried a few days again when she had a panic attack, so to see her sleeping soundly warmed her heart.

Coming out of her thoughts, Kara walks into the kitchen and her eyes widening when she sees the whiteboard filled with newspaper clippings, pictures, possibly everything of Reign and Sam.

Kara: Ben.

Ben turns around, seeing Kara standing there.

He stands up and walks over and gives her a kiss.

Ben: I made coffee, I also bought donuts.

Kara: Ooh, I love donuts. Ben, have you been up all night?

Ben: Oh uh yeah, yeah. I think I figured something out.

Kara: What'd you figure out?

Ben: Okay, remember how I said Sam should be willing to fight from the inside?

Kara: Yeah.

Ben: It got me thinking. We know Reign is a world killer but we also know Samantha is a mother and has helped you and the others a few times, right?

Kara: Of course.

Ben: What if Samantha doesn't know she's Reign?

Kara: What does that mean?

Ben: It means that when Reign is out and about what if Samantha is asleep? What if she doesn't even know what she's doing?

Kara: That would mean she's innocent.

Ben: Exactly.

Kara: Ben, You need to sleep.

Ben: I haven't been able to sleep in so long. And I'll sleep when we cure Sam.

Kara: Why is curing Sam so important to you that you need to stay up? We'll cure her, Ben. The rock...

Ben: Isn't the way, Kara. Look I've been thinking about this all night. I think if we can get to Sam when she's Reign, Sam could be able to fight her.

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