Chapter 28: Forgiving And Forgetting

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Third Person Perspective

What are we gonna do to stop Reign?


Ben woke up from a deep sleep and rolled over and saw Kara sleeping. He saw how beautiful she slept. All he could do was just watch her and the feelings he had were unlike any feelings he ever had.

Kara: You're staring.

Ben laughs as Kara opens her eyes.

Ben: It's kinda hard not to.

Kara: Ugh, I just wanna lay in bed all day like this.

Ben: Well I mean we could.

Kara: I told Jonn and Brainy I'd be back in today. I really have to find Reign.

Ben: Yeah, you should.

Kara laughs as her and Ben lean in and start kissing.

Out of the bedroom, the door opens and Alex walks inside carrying Emilia who was sound asleep.

Alex looked around seeing that Kara wasn't nowhere to be found which she found pretty odd considering she's usually up by now.

She closes the door and then walks to Kara's bedroom.

Alex: Kara.

She opens the door and Kara and Ben immediately pull the covers over them.

Kara: Alex!

Alex turns around and covers her eyes.

Alex: I didn't...uh...I'm...I didn't see anything. Um....Hi Ben.

Ben: Hi Alex.

Alex: Im just gonna....yeah. And Kara when I said talk to him this isn't exactly what I meant either.

Kara: Alex!

Alex: Im going.

Alex starts walking but bumps into the door.

Alex: Im okay.

Alex closes the door as she brings Emilia and lays her down on the couch. Alex smiles at her as she gives her a kiss on the forehead.

Back in the bedroom, Kara groans as she puts her arm over her head.

Ben: I guess we should get up now.

Kara: Yes, we should.


Alex is now sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. She smiles at the thought her sister has someone who she loves and wants to be with.

As Kara walks into the kitchen, Alex puts a cup of coffee on the other side of the table and then she gives Kara a look.

Kara: Don't look at me like that.

Alex: What? I'm happy you found someone to spend your time with.

Kara smiles as she goes and sits down at the table.

Alex: Though next time you should really consider putting a sock on the door handle.

Kara: Who am I? A college girl?

Alex: Or a do not disturb sign.

Kara: Alex.

Alex laughs as she takes a sip of her coffee and she smirks at Kara who also drinks from her coffee cup.

In the living room, Ben has just walked out seeing Emilia sleeping on the couch. Ben was joyful that his daughter could even manage to get sleep after all she's been through.

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