Chapter 27: Barry Tells Iris And Joe

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Third Person Perspective

Why didn't you tell me?


We're right where we left off on earth-1, Caitlin has just discovered the truth about earth-76 and she stands up in shock as Cisco and Harry come into the room.

Cisco: Caitlin, you were not supposed to see that.

Caitlin: Supposed to? You knew about this?

Cisco: Harry did too!

Harry smacks Cisco on the back off his head.

Caitlin: Why didn't you tell me about this? Why didn't Barry tell me about this?

Harry: Snow, just relax.

Caitlin: Relax? You want me to relax?

Harry: Good we're in agreement.

Caitlin: I can't believe this.

Caitlin puts the chair against the table, and she takes the disc out as she storms out of the room.

Harry crosses his arms and turns to Cisco.

Cisco: Don't look at me like that. Har...don't.

Harry: You were supposed to destroy it, Ramon.

Cisco: I know, okay.

Harry: So, why didn't you?

Cisco: Because....

Harry: Why, Ramon?

Cisco: Because Caitlin deserved the truth.

Harry: You...I...don't you realize, Barry and Caitlin's lives on earth-76 are not their lives here.

Cisco: I know.

Harry: Do you, Ramon? Because of your stupidity, you may have just ruined a marriage and a friendship.

Harry walks out of the room, leaving Cisco to process his thoughts and standing there, he knew Harry was right. But why did he feel like he was wrong?


Barry sat in the cortex, going over anything that could help stop Devoe, it was these moments he wished Ben was still here.

The scarlet speedster stood up and turned around and was met by Caitlin who had anger in her eyes.

Barry: Cait, are you okay?

Caitlin: You don't...get to call me, Cait.

Barry: Huh?

Caitlin: You didn't tell me.

Barry: Tell you what?

Caitlin with anger in her eyes slammed the disc with the recording on the desk but Barry was still confused and it could be seen in his eyes.

Barry: What's that?

Caitlin: You didn't tell me we were married!

Barry was taken back by Caitlin's words, exactly what Ben told him not to tell Caitlin, somehow she figured it out on her own.

Barry: I don't...I don't know what your talking about.

Caitlin: Wow, all these years of friendship and you can stand there and lie to me.

Barry: Cait...

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