Chapter 22: *Thanksgiving* [Part 1]

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Third Person Perspective

What do we have to be thankful for?


Three years ago

Thanksgiving day in the Snow-Allen household was a day of thanks for those who stood by each other, who showed love, who made it their mission to be with the ones they love despite what challenges they faced.

Surrounded by friends and family, Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow-Allen tried to make their household seem like the very best on thanksgiving day.

We see Caitlin Allen-Snow in the kitchen wearing a blue shirt and black pants. She wore an apron over her shirt to protect her shirt from getting on food scrapings on it.

Caitlin stuck a turkey in the oven, turning the oven on to 450 degrees farienheight and then rubbed her hands together.

In a flash of yellow, Barry returned home with a case of beer in his hands.

Barry; Got it. Last one.

Caitlin smiled seeing her husband with a case of beer.

Caitlin: Mr. Allen, you do realize that there will be children present, right?

Barry: Well, it was the last one.

Caitlin laughs and walks over to her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Caitlin: I love you, you know that right?

Barry: I love you too.

Caitlin and Barry kissed for a minute until their kissing was interrupted.

??? & ???: Ewww!!!

Turning their heads to the side they saw their twins Ashley and Henry standing in the doorway.

Barry: Shouldn't you two be upstairs getting ready?

Henry: We are ready, daddy!

Barry: Are you sure?

Barry walks over to his son and daughter who stood in the doorway and grabbed onto the two four year olds and began tickling them.

They laughed and laughed until Caitlin broke it up.

Caitlin: Okay, okay. The kids have to get ready. Ben and Kara will be here with Emilia.

Ashley & Henry: Emilia! Emilia! Emilia!

Caitlin: You two wanna see Emilia?

Ashley; Yes, mommy.

Caitlin: Then you two better go finish getting ready.

The two young children ran out of the kitchen, their laughter could still be heard even as their footsteps on the stairs made Barry and Caitlin light up in happiness.

Barry: You know, it's been seven years that we've been married.

Caitlin: I know that Mr. Allen and it's been nine years that we met each other.

Barry and Caitlin kissed once again only this time it was interrupted by the doorbell coming from the front door.

Barry: Ugh! Can't a husband and wife kiss in peace?

Caitlin: Hey, don't be rude. That's your best friend at the door.

Barry: Ralph? I thought he was spending thanksgiving with Sue?

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