Chapter 12: Earth 38

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Third Person Perspective

What's so special about you?

Earth 38

Alex walked inside the DEO seeing how hard all the agents there were working.

See, Alex for years has always lived working at the DEO, but there were sometimes where she thought she was better of without her job, maybe it'd be better is she gave it up. But these were the moments that made her feel at home. Seeing how each agent made it their mission to help make the world a better place.

The brown haired agent walked into the main room and saw Mon-el and Winn working trying to figure out how to stop Reign.

In the corner, Brainy worked with Jonn to also figure it out. Alex was a little worried that maybe Reign would win. That her main mission would be complete and Alex feared she'd lose her sister in the process.

As Alex stood at the table in the middle of the room, Mon-el took notice to her.

He wondered where Kara was, he knew she felt a little betrayed after he returned from the future with a wife but he never knew her not to work.

Mon-el moved to the table, placing his hands on it slowly enough to hopefully not make Alex mad.

Alex turned her head just enough to make it known she was a little mad at him but she did understand that to them he's only been gone a few months but to Mon-el it had been years.

Mon-el: Where's Kara?

Alex: That's not any of your business.

Mon-el: Alex please. I know things are tense right now but shes still my friend and I care about her. Please.

Alex looked at Mon-el seeing he was telling the truth. She sighed knowing he couldn't exactly tell him she was seeing the man her doppelgänger was with on another earth.

Alex: Look, Kara just needs time, okay. It's not everyday your ex boyfriend returns from the future a married man.

Outside the main room, a big blue breach opens up and out comes Kara, Ben and Emilia.

Emilia held tighter to their hands showing that she was a little afraid of the place she had just entered. Emilia started to remember the DEO on her earth and how she once saw a big alien with a octopus head which only made her more scared.

Emilia: Daddy, I don't like this.

Ben kneeled down to Emilia trying to comfort her.

Ben: Hey, it's all right, sweetie.

Emilia pulls Ben closer as she whispers into his ear that she also had to use the bathroom.

Ben chuckled and he stood to his feet turning to Kara who still couldn't believe they were on her earth.

Ben: She needs to use the bathroom.

Kara: Oh, it's uh right down there.

Kara points down the hallway, Ben turns to look seeing a few agents holding guns but the nervous Ben started to have went away when they put them away.

Ben: Okay, sweetie. Let's go.

Ben tried to walk with Emilia but Emilia stopped crossing her arms.

Ben: What's wrong?

Emilia: I want her to do it.

She points to Kara who just stood their silently but that silence went away immediately taking notice to how the young beautiful girl wanted her to accompany her.

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