Chapter 26: Staying With You

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Third Person Perspective

Will you stay with me?


We're right where we left off, Kara and Ben stood there as Emilia and Alex looked at both of them after catching them kissing at the table.

Kara looked at her sister who seemed to show excitement on her face. Ben looked at Emilia who even though was six years old, looked as though she was giving her father permission to move on.

Alex: Uh, Kara, could I talk to you for a minute?

Kara: Yeah, yes. Yep.

Kara moved past the table and towards Alex, Emilia instantly slamming her body into Kara and hugged her tightly.

Emilia released the hug and allowed Kara to pass as the two sisters left the room.

Kara and Alex walked into the bedroom, Alex closing the door behind her turns and looks at her sister.

Alex: When I told Ben to come and talk to you that's not exactly what I had in mind.

Kara: Oh that, that was nothing he was choking.

Alex: Really?

Kara: Yes, and I was just helping him.

Alex: By sticking your tongue down his throat?

Kara: Okay, okay, we were making out.

Alex: Kara!

Kara: What, he's just so...

Alex: What?

Kara: Perfect. He made me breakfast.

Alex: I saw.

Kara: He doesn't let anything bother him, he has the best daughter.

Alex: And your madly in love with him.

Kara: Yes! Is that bad? Am I a bad person?

Alex sighs, looking at her sister and sitting on the bed next to her, she put her hand on Kara's.

Alex: Why would you be a bad person, Kara?

Kara: He's just going through so much going on right now. And not to mention he was married to my doppelgänger.

Alex: Who wasn't you.

Kara: What?

Alex: You think the guy out there kissed you because you look like his wife. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Kara: Then what is the truth?

Alex: He kissed you because your Kara. A beautiful strong woman. A woman who despite her not actually being her daughter looks at Emilia as if she was her own. A woman who he is also madly in love with.

Kara: You think he's in love with me?

Alex: It's obvious.

Kara: Well he hasn't exactly said it to me.

Alex: He will. Now I'm gonna take Emilia with me, and you two are gonna have a great day of relaxation.

Kara: What about Reign? I should really be out looking for Reign.

Alex: Reign will still be here tomorrow. You just spend time with the guy you love.

Kara: Okay, I will.

Alex gives her sister a hug and then after the hug she stands up.


In the kitchen, Ben just stared at Emilia who sat at the table eating a pancake and not saying a word.

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