Chapter 3: Two Speedsters And A Little Lady

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Third Person Perspective

Would you fight?

You could feel the tension of electricity running wild in the alley just behind jitters where many would come to enjoy their coffee and have conversations with their friends.

The tension also echoed as one stood their ground while the other was only trying to keep his daughter safe.

Two speedsters trying their best to anticipate when the next attack would come.

Ben ducked underneath a punch by the flash and used his leg to kick the flash in the back and then grabbed him and slammed him to the ground.

Ben put his knee on his neck trying to hold him down but the flash was strong enough to get Ben off him and then launched him into a nearby wall. Ben then sped at the flash running past him and punching him in the face.

The Flash and Pulse then ran around the city once more both landing shots in what could have been the final shot but it wasn't. They continued to throw shots as they both tried to prove they were the better speedster.

The Flash then grabs ahold of Pulse and slams him through the glass of an old building. Pulse then fell inside as The Flash ran around the electricity shooting off his body as he ran inside as fast as he could.

Pulse anticipating a punch by the flash picked up an old pipe that just happened to lay on the ground right beside him.

Then as the Flash ran inside the building Pulse whacked him right in the face with just a little blood coming from his mouth as Pulse grabs him once again and slams him into the wall and holds him by the throat.

Ben: Listen to me please. I'm not who you think I am.

Barry: I know who you are.

Then the flash used his speed to repeatedly punch Pulse a few times which led to Pulse falling to his knees. The flash then tries to take Pulse down but Pulse is quicker as he sends the flash flying out of the building.

Then as pulse leaves the building and seeing the flash on the ground a breach opens and out comes the rest of team flash, Caitlin, Cisco and Wally. Kid Flash dashes at Ben but Wally was too slow as Ben sent him flying onto the hood of a car.

Ben then turned around as killer frost hit him with ice but Ben used his arms and spinned them around just enough to send Vibe and Killer Frost to the ground.

Then Ben's attention was turned back to the flash who had managed to stand back up both standing their ground as their eyes locked.

Ben thought this was the moment to come clean. To tell him the truth about who he is and why he was here.

But If this fight proved anything it's that they didn't want to listen to him, they think he's someone else, a villain, so his only option was to fight.

Then as the flash ran at him Ben used his speed to open a portal and a second later he came out of the other side now behind the flash as he created a lighting bolt that struck central city's protector.

Barry Allen gathering himself on the ground was in shock at what he had just witnessed; he never was able to do that. Open a portal and come out off the other side. Sure he's done it by time traveling but never in a fight against the weeks big bad which right now Barry knew to be the man dressed like zoom.

Back with Ben who had just taken down the flash it was like he could hear the sound of his daughter's cries as he got a weak pain in his stomach.

He then knew he had to save her right there and then.

Taking all the speed he had in his system he used it to rush at the four members of the team taking them down one by one and each groaned as Ben couldn't help but smirk under his cowl as he then ran back to Star Labs.

Entering Star labs he tried walking into the medical room but the sound of a gun cocking caught his attention as he turned around to see Iris and Joe.

Iris holding onto a cold gun and Joe holding onto a pistol they both pointed their guns at him.

Ben: You don't wanna do this.

Iris: Try us.

Ben: You don't know what you're doing.

Joe: Oh we do. Now stand down.

Ben: Sorry Joe. Not gonna happen. See I'm here for one reason only.

Iris: You want the flash's speed?

Ben couldn't help but laugh at this as it seems with every earth one more thing in common is that the big bad always has something they want from the flash whether it be his speed or his loved ones.

Ben: No. I value something much much more beautiful.

Then as Ben tried to walk into the medical room Iris then took a shot at Ben and he started to begin getting hurt by the cold gun but this pain was unlike anything he'd felt before the pain in his body was like a thousand ice ages happening at once and a few seconds he couldn't hold on.

He falls to the ground as his eyes get blurry but all he could care about was the safety of his daughter.

Iris then took a step forward looking at the man who they all thought to be trying to take down their world.

But by coincidence she heard the voice Ben longed to hear as he laid unconscious.

Emilia: No.

Iris looked up seeing Emilia standing in the doorway as she fell to the ground and began shaking.

Iris rushes over to her not caring who she is or what "zoom" did to her, She picks her up latching onto her as tightly as she could.

Joe, knowing what to do, goes over to the computer and presses the comms.

Joe: Barry you need to get back here now.

Then a portal opens as Cisco, killer frost and Wally come through as Barry then comes speeding into the cortex.

Barry's eyes widen as takes off his cowl and sees the little girl who looks as though she is dying.

Killer frost instantly turns back into Caitlin as she rushes over to the little girl and takes her from Iris.

Caitlin turns to look at Barry who sees on the ground the unconscious man.

Barry rushes Ben into the pipeline and then comes back in just as Caitlin begin's preparations to save Emilia from death.

Barry: Who is she?

To be continued...

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