Chapter 18: Breakfast At Home

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Ben's POV

Why's it so easy to see you as someone else?


My nose instantly became engulfed by the smell of bacon as I laid on Kara's couch.

The smell of this bacon woke me up. I never smelled bacon like this, I mean maybe I have. But right now I'm this moment I never smelled this type of bacon.

I opened my eyes taking in the surroundings of the sun as it shined into the room.

How long did I sleep? I wondered to myself as I sat up.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep them open and after a few seconds they did.

I yawned as I rose from the couch allowing my nose to lead me to the bacon which of course was coming from the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen, leaning the side of my arm on the doorway when I saw Kara at the stove and Emilia sitting at the table.

Kara looked back and smiled at me, her hair moved with a small gust of wind.

In this moment, in this true moment all I could see was Kara.

It brought me back to my Kara and how sweet and caring she was.

It brought me back to waking up to her cooking me breakfast.


Seven years ago.

I woke up feeling the sun on my face as I rolled over on my bed, my arm falling down to where Kara usually slept.

My eyes opened seeing that Kara wasn't in bed like she usually was.

I smiled and instantly raced out of bed putting my clothes on.

Ben: That never gets old.

I walked out of my bedroom, my fingers touching the wall as I slowly walked down the hallway and just looked at the pictures of me and Kara on the wall.

It had only been a few months since we moved in together but Kara and I felt at home with each other.

It didn't matter where we were, or where we lived. Together we were whole.

My movements stopped when I reached the stairs, I looked down, the smell of bacon engulfed my nose. The smell of bacon Kara told she usually smelled every morning was now reversed. It was me smelling the bacon.

I walked down the stairs and heard each step as they creaked until I finally I made it to the bottom.

The first thing I see when I turn the corner is a picture of me and Barry hanging on the wall.

I remember the day the photo was taken. It was the first day I'd arrived at CCPD looking for a job.

Barry had been quick to give me one even though Joe was hesitant to say yes.

I walked into the kitchen seeing Kara standing over the stove wearing nothing but my T-shirt.

I walked over, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the side of her face.

Kara: Morning, I made bacon.

Ben: I can see that and it smells so good.

Kara: Well I wanted it to be perfect. I had to go and buy like six packages of bacon because I burned like four of them.

Ben: Well I think it smells good.

Kara: Really?

I picked up a piece of bacon and stuffed in my mouth.

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