Chapter 5: The Green Rock

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Third Person Perspective

What does the green rock truly do?

Barry Allen stood in the hallway staring at the green rock and couldn't help but wonder what it was.

Barry figured it was some kind of trick. Maybe this little girl wasn't truly the man's aughter and she was just some girl who was taken by him.

He didn't know what to believe, but he knew he had to figure out what the rock was for.

The speedster then shoved the rock into his pocket. He didn't know whether or not to mention to the team that the little girl lying in the med bay in a coma-like state was the man in the pipeline's daughter.

He didn't know whether to say anything because a little part of him felt like it wasn't the truth, that if he gave even for a second a thought about trusting this guy that it would backfire and he'd turn out to be just another big bad that would kidnap one of his friends again with some ulterior motive.

So that's why Barry knew he couldn't say anything because he knew that his team would give it some thought to let him out of the pipeline and he couldn't have that. He wanted to protect those he loves.

Barry entered the cortex, each member of the team doing whatever they could to stay busy. Barry looked around wondering to himself who he should talk to first.

Then he looked over and saw Caitlin in the Med bay messing around with whatever she could in an attempt to find any solution to the Emilia problem.

As Barry watched her for a second, Barry saw the box move an inch over to the edge of the table and then it started to drop.

Barry used his speed to catch the box before it could fall off the table and Caitlin let out a gasp because of the surprising way Barry caught the box.

Caitlin: Thanks Barry.

Barry: Happy to help.

Barry sat the box on the table and Caitlin went back to what she was doing.

Barry placed his hands in his pockets and his mind went back to the man in the pipeline. Barry didn't know what to call him. He knew that the man in the pipeline knew his name but Barry due to being so focused on other things he didn't think to ask what his name was, but he did know that it wasn't zoom.

Barry then looks over at the little girl and carefully walks closer to her. Her beautiful blond hair caught a smile from Barry. He was sad that this little girl was a sleep and in a coma. He just wished he could do something for her but he didn't know what.

As Barry looked at her taking in the pain he knew she was going through. She started shaking, her body as if her body was phasing endlessly through the blink of an eye.

Caitlin immediately stopped what she was doing and ran over to the little girl. Hopelessly trying to get her to calm down.

One by one, Cisco, Iris, Joe and Harry who had returned from earth two had ran into the room seeing that this little girl was going through unimaginable pain.

Caitlin: Cisco, I need help.

Cisco didn't know what to do. It was like he was in a trance like state seeing that this little girl was shaking.

Caitlin: Cisco!

Caitlin's screams bring Cisco out of his trance as he runs over to help try and stabilize her if she could even be stabilized.

Iris: What happened?

Barry was speechless. He didn't know what to say. One second she was a quiet little girl stuck in a coma and the next she was a girl in shock shaking like the reverse flash would be whenever Barry went face to face with him.

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