Chapter 17: Back On Earth-1

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Third Person Perspective

What about earth-1?


The lighting courses through the flash's eyes as he zooms through the streets of Central City.

Peek a boo had once again become a problem even after Vibe, Kid Flash and Joe had taken care of her.

But the flash knew she wouldn't much of a challenge.

In the cortex, Harry and Cisco sat in their chairs at the computer.

Harry: She went left.

Cisco: No, she went right.

Harry: I have the monitor on this side. You have Barry's vitals.

Cisco: You know you could be more nice to me.

Harry: You know what....

As Harry made a fist, Barry came over the comms.

Barry: Guys, I lost her again.

As Harry told Barry to run up the building, that's exactly what he did, the flash made his way up the building allowing the lighting to course throw his veins as he used the move Ben had taught him.

He feels himself become the lighting as he opens a breach and comes out the other side of it and punches Peek-a-boo down.

Barry: Guys, she's down.

Then with that, The Flash grabs her and runs her to iron-heights.


We come to see Barry returning to Star Labs, as the others sat in celebration at least this one.

Iris: Now, all that's left is Devoe.

Cisco: Yes, which is why I think we should get Ben to come back here.

Barry: Why, Cisco?

Cisco: I mean have you seen the guy run? I took the vials from his suit, Barry the dude runs 25 percent faster than you.

Harry: He's got a point, Allen.

Barry: No, okay, we can handle Devoe, I mean besides, Ben has his own problems to deal with than dealing with ours all right. We can stop Devoe. I have confidence we can.

Barry walks out of the cortex not allowing anyone question his self-proclaimed confidence.

Caitlin thinks and speaks up.

Caitlin: Does anyone else think it's weird he has this much confidence? I mean just a few days ago, all he could think about was Ralph.

Cisco: Now, it's like...hes...

Harry: Confident.

Cisco: Ye...ah.

Iris: Guys, if Barry is confident, let's let him be confident. And Cisco, please no getting Ben to come back.

Cisco: Okay, I won't. I'm just saying. The man is fast.

Iris: Cisco!

Cisco: All right, all right. I won't.

Iris: Thank you. Now I have got to get to work. Hopefully we can find Devoe before he uses the satellites.

Caitlin: We will, Iris.

As Iris leaves the cortex, Caitlin sets her tablet down and starts to walk out, Cisco then stands up.

Cisco: Where you going?

Caitlin: To talk to Barry.

Cisco: I mean, you..sure...sure you wanna do that. I mean maybe we should just leave him be for now.

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