Chapter 9: Lasting Effects

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Third Person Perspective

What about the fact he just saved your life?

Team Flash stood in the cortex as Caitlin worked on Barry and Kara.

Ben sat in the chair now in normal clothes which he had gotten from Harry, while Emilia sat on his lap.

Everyone was thankful to Ben, given everything a part of them figured Ben would let Barry to suffer so when he didn't they were grateful that Ben had saved his life.

As they waited for confirmation on the status of the two superheroes, Joe goes over to Ben and holds his hand out.

Joe: Thank you for saving his life.

Ben looks up at Joe and without hesitation shakes his hand.

Ben: It's my pleasure Joe. He may not be my Barry but I still wouldn't wanna see him dead.

Joe smiled at this because even more than others he for some reason expected Ben would want revenge because his adopted son had kept him from his daughter but that wasn't the case.

As Joe went back to stand with Iris who sat in a chair by the computer, she couldn't help but to look at Ben for just a minute.

She knew he was hiding something, maybe he was hiding a lot.

Caitlin comes back out of the med bay and everyone stands up to their feet.

Caitlin: They're awake.

Everyone went into the med bay seeing Kara and Barry were now sat up and they looked better and it's mostly because of their speed healing.

As everyone gathered into the med bay, Ben who had Emilia in his arms was able to get inside allowing himself to be visible.

Barry looks up seeing him and instantly stands up worried for his friends.

Joe: It's okay son. He saved your life.

Barry looks at Joe and nods and he sits back down not wanting to say anything as he still felt a little loopy from Devoes attack.

Joe looks at Ben and Ben nods as if he was saying thank you.

Bens eyes then met Kara's and Ben could see how much all this was affecting Kara. The truth about his daughter and their relationship was probably too much to handle.

With that Ben walks out of the med bay and into the cortex.

Emilia: Daddy, are you okay?

Ben: Daddy's fine, baby.

Emilia: Is that my mommy?

Emilia's question caught him in more ways than one. How could he tell her that the woman who sat a few feet away in the next room wasn't her mother? Would she understand?

Ben looked at Emilia not saying a word and just hugged her letting her know things would be okay.


As an hour went by, Barry was now in the cortex keeping his eyes on Ben, sure he thanked him on the inside for thanking his life but he still didn't trust him.

Ben sat with Emilia watching her color which she had done so many times when she felt nervous or scared or upset.

He figured it was her way of stepping out of the real world for a little bit just to be by herself.

Caitlin seeing that Kara sat in the med bay not saying a word figured Ben would wanna talk to her, so with that she walks over to Ben.

Caitlin: I can sit with her if you want. You could go and talk to Kara.

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