i.xvi. the birth of Sunoh

Start from the beginning

After Miga and your little dog was picked up, you went straight to the hospital. They immediately picked you up and based on the intervals of the contractions, they give you immediately an epidural.
"How are you?" Jaehyun sat down next to you when you came back into the room. By now everything was ready. You were connected to several devices, your contractions were monitored and all the instruments for the baby were already there.
"I'm nauseous." Even if you got an epidural, you still do not feel well. The contractions had already become stronger.
"I'm so proud of you." Jaehyun stroked your arm and you sigh softly with exhaustion.
"I'm so excited, we have our second baby, a little boy. Can you believe it. I'm so excited." Jaehyun talked like a waterfall and you realize how tense he was, but then you had a pretty violent contraction that lasted quite a long time.
"A contraction? Oh, I see." Jaehyun looked at the screen that was measuring your labor and continues to gently stroke your arm. Then the doctor came in and checked again for you. By now you've been in labor for 6 hours and you could not wait to meet your baby. Everything went much faster at Sunoh. Everything had taken much longer for Miga. The little boy in you was a little bit hurried.
"Ms. Jung, it looks very good. The cervix has widened by 9 centimeters. I think your baby will come in the next hour." The doctor takes off his gloves and he leaves the room with the nurses.
"Do you think he will look like Miga?" Your voice was quiet and you try to relax as much as possible.
"I hope. Miga is so beautiful." Jaehyun smiled and takes your hand. He stroked his hand with his thumb.
"I hope he looks like you." You turn into a straight position and look up to the ceiling. The contractions got worse and you knew somehow that it would not take half an hour more.
"You remember when we were waiting for Miga, she had taken so much time and we could not wait. How long were you in labor? Almost 20 hours? So they were thinking about making a c-section. At that time I hardly expect to meet our baby." Jaehyun knew it would help you if he just talked. You could hardly say anything anymore because you had to focus on labor. But you enjoy listening to your husband, as he reminisced. And suddenly the next contraction was even worse and the monitor starts to ring. All this did not stop and you feel the strong cramp and the stinging in your back. And the next moment the doctor came in with nurses and midwives and they were preparing everything for the birth.
"Well, that went very fast, Mrs. Jung. Your boy seems to be in a hurry." The doctor stands in front of the bed and looks between your legs. The nurse bent your legs and the midwife prepared everything for the baby. Jaehyun stood frozen next to you and did not quite know what to do.
"With the next contraction you take a really deep breath." The doctor felt your stomach and explained the next steps. You try to follow the words while Jaehyun puts his hand on your shoulder and focuses on you. It was not long before you had to press. Again and again, the doctor reminded you to take a deep breath. But the only thing you heard was the words "push" and everything around you got more hectic. Your bed was halfway set up and your hands were under your thighs, which stood up. With the palms of your hands, you press against the mattress as you try to squeeze your son out of you.
"Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going." You hear the words, but you were in a state of your own. You still feel Jaehyun's hand on your shoulder. From time to time he set up the pillows for you, so that you felt halfway comfortable. But you did not get much of it all.
"Keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing." You try the best, but it was not easy.
"Come on, you can do it." Jaehyun knew it couldn't take long anymore. He was so proud of you at the moment. But he was also sorry he could not really help you. He would love to take a part off of you and go through it with you. But he could only help with standing beside you and nothing more.
"We are having the baby with the next contraction. But you really done so well." You knew it was important and push again. The only thing you wanted more was to hold your boy in your hand. And suddenly everything went so fast.
"Welcome to the world." You hear the voice of the doctor, but you could hardly believe it yourself. The midwife pulled up your gown while you heard the first scream. The doctor immediately put the baby on your bare chest.
"Congratulations! You did a great job, you're brilliant." Tears streamed down your face as you held the boy in your arms for the first time. He was still pale and blue, but beautiful. You could not believe he was finally here after so long of waiting.
"Wow, he's really tall." Jaehyun laughed and could hardly believe that his boy was finally born.
When the baby was lying on your chest, he immediately calmed down. His crying stopped and you realize how comfortable he felt with you.
"Hello Sunoh." Jaehyun stroked gently over his temple and in that moment, you had to sob. Your vision was blurry with tears. You look at him for a while, holding him tight in your arms. Jaehyun stroked his little head. The midwife wiped the little boy a bit clean. Then the doctor took the boy and clamped the umbilical cord off. He handed the scissors to Jaehyun. Sunoh started to cry, because that was too much for him. You held him tight in your arms and he clasped your thumb with his tiny hands. Jaehyun cut off the umbilical cord while the midwife removed the boy from you to cleanse and examine him.
"We have a boy." Jaehyun grinned and shinned all over his face and stroked your arm. Tears were still running down your cheeks because you still could not realize it.
"You were so great." And at that moment, Jaehyun was full of happiness and pride. In the background you could hear your son screaming and you just wanted to hold your baby in your arms again. Actually, it only took two minutes for the check-up, but it was an eternity for you. But then the midwife came back and put Sunoh back on your chest.
"He has very black hair." You laugh while your tears of joy still ran down your face. Meanwhile, Sunoh had already got more color and his skin was now more pink.
"He is perfect." Jaehyun kissed you, snuggled up to you and took his son's hand. And so you stayed for a felt eternity and in that moment everything was perfect.

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