make up - 50

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I run my hand through my hair as I stare into the fogged up mirror. My naked body, covered in tattoos and my hair sticking to my skin. Freshly shaved body and the baby inside my growing slowly.

I pull a pair of panties on before putting sweats on. I pull a nike sports bra on and grab my phone. I text Terri and my bedroom door opens within a few minutes.

"What'd the fucker do?" She asks as I sit on the bed.

"We had a fight. You probably heard it, but he said he runs this mafia, not us. We promised if one dies so does the other and he all of a sudden doesn't feel that way." I run my hands through my hair and sigh, "he told me I need to worry about the kids and stop getting myself into sticky situations!"

"Kids? You have one," she says.

I chuckle nervously, "will be two."

Our eyes meet and she smiles, "you're-"

"I'm pregnant again, yeah."

She squeals, "Oh my goodness!"

I nod, "it's not not ideal time, but when you have unprotected sex everyday for over a week it's destined to happen."

"Well yeah." She giggles, "sorry proceed with the fight."

"We promised to stick together. Side by side, until death do us part. I thought he felt the same and now I don't even fucking know." I sigh, "what if he divorces me? We haven't even been married a month T!"

"Girl- that man would die before he divorces you. It was just a fight, you guys will be okay. There's been a lot of shit happening recently and you're both just extremely stressed. You need to just relax and he'll come around. If he doesn't I'll kill him and then you can marry me ok?"

I chuckle softly, "yeah yeah."

Her and I hang out for a little while before Enzo calls her. Needing her to go with him somewhere.

After a few more episodes of some show I'm watching there's a knock at the door. I close my eyes and roll over so my back was to them. I have a feeling of who it is and I don't know if I'm ready to talk yet.

"Arizona?" His voice was soft and gentle.

I take a deep breath and stay still. Not making noise or moving too much.

"Baby?" His hand touches my side as he sits on the bed. "I know you're awake amore mio."

"How?" I roll my eyes before sitting up.

"Because I've slept by you every night for a long time. I know how you sleep."

"Well what do you want?"

"I wanted to say sorry for the things I said ealier," he sighs. "I didn't mean most of it and I'm sorry."

"Killian, you told me I basically stand alone in this house. That we are sperate people. And yes I get it we have kids to take care of now, but I never meant that we don't have to worry about them. I never meant that they didn't or don't matter," I run my hand through my hair and say, "I simply meant we are supposed to stick together. No matter what happens."

He sighs again, "I know. And I'm sorry!"

"We run this mafia. Not just you! I am your wife and we do this shit together, whatever it is!" I say as I meet his gaze, "I'm serious. You're not in this alone anymore Killian. It's us now, not you and not me. Us."

He runs his hand through his hair and nods, "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I wouldn't be here or here I am with out."

I sigh, "I'm sorry for fighting."

"I'm sorry too. I love you, amore mio!"

"I love you too, Kill!"

He pulls me into a tight hug and says, "I'm so fucking sorry for saying the things I did. It wasn't okay and I feel so shitty for it baby."

"Lucky you realized that. 'Cause if you didn't then I was gonna marry Terri."

"You would leave me for Terri?" He asks as we pull away from the hug.

"If you left me yeah!" I smile.

"Glad to know my competitors then," he laughs.

I roll my eyes and kiss his lips softly. I cup his cheeks and he does the same. Our breathing matches and our kiss deepens slightly.

We hadn't kissed like this in days. It felt good though.

I missed being cute and being this way with him. It feels like it's been forever since we got time to actually relax.

We lay together, our foreheads pressed against one another's. "I love you so much Killian," I whisper softly.

"I love you too, Arizona."

He rubs his thumb against my cheek and a deep breath leaves my lips. I feel content and safe yet again.

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