home again - 33

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- Arizona's pov -

Getting back to Killian's I notice how silent the house it. It seemed too quiet almost. I look around and everything was the same. The kitchen had a hole in the wall, but beside that it was the same.

I stop at the stairs and turn to Killian, "where is everyone?"

"It's only us, Rossi and Enzo here," he sighs.

"What? Why?"

"Alessandro- he killed my mom and Olivia. He took them on that trip and killed them." He sighs again as he runs his hand though his hair.

I drop my bag and pull him into my arms. His body goes limp and I slowly sit on the stairs, him in my arms. I rub his back and he starts to sob into my chest. I comb my fingers through his hair and kiss his head softly.

"I know baby, I know."

God I wish I could take away the pain. Help him. Make him feel better.

I hold him tightly as he hugs my waist. "I love you," I whisper to him.

"I love you too," he sniffles. After a few minutes he gets up and says, "sorry. We can go upstairs now."

"You're okay Kill," I kiss his cheek and we stand up. Igrab my bag and we make our way upstairs.

"My room or your's?" He asks.

I look up at him, "doesn't matter."

He nods, "come on."

He opens his bedroom door as we reach it. I walk in and drop my bag to the floor. His room was a disaster. Clothes everywhere, the bed looked as if he hadn't slept since I left. Holes scatter his walls as if someone took a small bold dozer to them.

I look up at him and he sighs, "sorry. I haven't been in here in awhile."

"When was the last time you slept?"

He shrugs, "honestly I don't remember anymore. It's been a while I guess."

I nod and take him by the hand. I drag him softly to the bathroom and start a bath. Yes a bath.

"What're we doing?"

"You are taking a nice hot bath!" I say softly as I kiss his cheek. He sits on top of the toilet lid and I sit on his lap. I slowly unbutton his shirt. I kiss his cheek again and say, "I love you."

"I love you too, amore mio!"

I slide his shirt off of him and let it fall to the floor. I get up and turn the water off, as it was full enough.

"Okay undress the rest of the way and get in the tub ok?"

He nods and does as I say. He stares up at me as he sits in the hot bath water. "Join me?"

"In a few minutes ok?"

He nods again and I leave the bathroom. I quickly pick up all his clothes and throw them into his hamper. I pick up some of the pieces that had fallen from the holes in the walls and throw them away. The room looks better now.


I go back to the bathroom and Killian looks up at me. "What did you go do?" He asks.

"Cleaned up a little."

"You didn't have to do that. I could have. I should have before leaving earlier," he shakes his head.

"No it's okay. I didn't clean it all, I just picked up your clothes," I say as I pull my t-shirt off over my head. Bruises and cuts cover my body.

"Oh my god," he gasps. "What the hell happened?"

I groan as I let the t-shirt fall to the floor. My body was sore as fuck and I felt like I was slowly dying.

"I've been fighting every night for the passed two weeks straight. I never stopped," I say as I pull my shorts down my legs.

I step into the large bath slowly and sit across from him.

"I'm sorry," he sighs.

"It's not your fault. I wanted to fight. It helped me relax and not focus on- well you I guess."

I fought every night. Not giving up or taking a break. I probably should have and I know I have a cracked rib and another one is broken, but to be honest I didn't care. Fighting was and always will be my way out. My way to calm myself down and not focus on whatever shit is going on at the time.

"You colored your hair I see," he says softly, not looking at me.

"Oh yeah, I did. You like it?" I smile as I turn my head slightly.

"Yeah, it looks good," he says as our eyes meet. "It fits you."

"Thank you."

"You know when I seen you in that ring tonight, I was terrified."

"Why," I ask as I look at him again.

He shrugs, "cause I hurt you and in the process of hurting you I hurt myself. I was terrified you wouldn't want to hear what i had to say."

"Franky, I didn't want to hear you out. I wanted to hate you and I tried so hard to hate you," I sigh softly.

"You didn't hate me though?"



"Because the hardest part about hating you was, deep down I still love you."

"I'm sorry."

We sit silently for a few moments before he looks up. Our eyes meet again and he says, "you know, I never thought I'd fall in love. That was until I met you anyway."

My cheeks heat up and I smile.

"I was never in love before I met you. I thought I was once, but the more I think about it the more I couldn't be so wrong."

"Well, here we are amore mio. In love and taking a bath together." He smiles and runs his hand through his hair, "I love you."

"I love you too," I giggle.

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