fighting - 19

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He stands from my bed and says, "how do you think you'll be back? Huh?"

"It's a simply mission! I find them and bring them back, simple as that Kill! Why do you think i won't be back?" I throw my hands in the air as I take a step back from him. "I'm not going to stay there! I'm not going to be there for forever!"

He scoffs, "you don't understand!"

"Then fucking help me understand!" I yell at him. My anxieties turned into anger and my sadness blinded by rage.

I was scared shitless about this mission and yet I'm yelling instead of crying.

"I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Killian I will be fine!" I yell back at him.

He scoffs, "yeah you said that already."

"Well it's true! I'll be fine!"

"How can you even fucking say that after last night? After you told me I can't promise you!" He throws his hands in the air, "you can't do that to me! You can't tell me I can't promise you then try to promise basically the same thing!"

"It's not the fucking same!"

"How? Huh? How the fuck isn't it the same?" He yells.

"Because I know what's going to happen," I'm lying to myself. Telling myself everything would be okay. Telling myself, I'd be fine.

He shakes his head as he scoffs, "right and I'm fucking jesus."

"Killian! I'm serious! I'll get him and come back. I'll do nothing to throw the mission off! If you're there it'll be a suicide mission! I'll be done in no time!"

He stares at me, making eye contact. The room falls silent as we stare at each other.

"I rather be there and know your safe. I don't want you to get hurt Arizona!" He sighs, "you don't understand how much pain I'll be in if I lose you."

"Kill, you don't get how much pain I'll be in if I lose you!" I say as I shake my head. My eyes fall to the floor as I sigh.

"I wish you would understand what I mean."

"Fucking tell me then," I say a little more aggressive then intended.

"I love you ok? I'm fucking in love with you and now you're just going away!" He yells as he turns away then back to me. He throws his hands in the air as I stare at him.

He loves me?

"You what?" I say quietly. Tears well in my eyes as the rage and anger fade back to sadness and anxiety.

"I'm in love with you amore mio," he says softly. His hands had fallen to his sides and his eyes meet mine.

"I love you too Killian."

A small smile spreads across both of our faces. He takes a step forward and holds my hands. "Say it again," he whispers.

"I love you Killian."

He bites his lip and pulls me by my hips. Our bodies collide and he slams his lips onto mine. His hands grip my hips and my hands find their way to his hair. He steps back and stumbles until our bodies fall onto the bed. A chuckle leaves his lips as we part. I sit up, straddling him.

"I want you to stay with me until I leave," I say as I fiddle with his hand.

He nods and smirks, "okay amore mio."

The name he has given me makes me blush everytime, without missing a beat. I smile at him and he flips us over. Hovering over top of me he says, "I'm sorry for fighting with you amore mio."

"I'm sorry too."

His lips brush against mine as our eyes meet. "I love you," he whispers softly against my lips.

I smirk and whisper back, "I love you too daddy."

He pulls back and stares at me, "what?" His facial expression now showed confusion.

"What?" I repeated back.

"You called me-"

"Called you?"

"You called me daddy?" He smirked at me. "Why'd you do that?"

I shrug, "just wanted to."

He bit his lip before slamming them against my lips. His tounge grazed my bottom lip and I let him slip into my mouth. Fighting for dominance, a smile spreads across my face. I pull his button down out of his pants and start to fiddle with the buttons. His hands slide up my t-shirt and rest against my stomach.

Pulling away, breathless I smile at him. I slide his shirt off his shoulders. He pulls his arms out and throws the shirt to the floor.

His fresh bullet wound in his side catches my eye. "Are you sure you should be doing this Kill? You just had surgery last night," I look up at him with worry.

"Amore mio, if it hurts I'll tell you okay? I took some strong pain killers, I'll be okay."

I nod reluctantly and say, "you better tell me if you're hurting!"

"I promise baby."

His hands push my shirt up and be pulls it over my head. It falls into the growing pile of clothes on the floor. I sigh as he sees the bruises from fighting those stupid russians.

"Their from the russians we fought," I say as his eyes meet mine.

He nods silently and kisses each bruise softly.

I unbutton his pants and he stands, pulling them down. His erection pokes from his black Calvin Klein boxers. I smile and stand before pulling my jeans off my legs. We throw the pants next to us and he slams his lips to mine again. I bite his bottom lip roughly and he lets out a rigid moan. I smirk and peck his lips softy.

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