go away - 15

39 1 0

- Arizona's pov -

It's been two weeks since our date and we've been hanging out non stop. I haven't been needed for missions the past few days so I lay in my bed. I hug the picture of Lucy and I.

It's her birthday and with no missions to focus on, my thoughts sort of- drift.

A tear falls from my eye and I wipe it with the back of my hand. I sniffle and a sob leaves my lips. "Happy birthday Luc," I cry softly.

I sniffle again and quickly wipe my eyes as I hear the door open. "Hey, I just got back baby," Killian's voice is soothing and soft causing me to want to break down more.

"Okay," I say quietly trying not to sob.

"You trying to sleep or something baby?" He asks as he closes the door behind him.

I shrug, "I don't know yet." I feel the bed shift as he sits down next to me. "Just go away," I sigh as a tear falls.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

His hand touches my side softly and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"If you need me baby you know where I am," he whispers softly before kissing my head.

I hear the door open and shut again before I let the sobs leave my lips. I wanted him to stay, but I just need to be alone.

- Killian's pov -

I walk down the hall and open my bedroom door. I sigh and sit on my bed.

I don't know if I did something or if I'm forgetting something. She hasn't told me much about her life before meeting me. I mean I know about her sister dying, but not much of anything else.

A groan leaves my lips as i lay back.

"Yo, what's up with Arizona?" Enzo asks.

I sit up and he stands in my doorway. "I don't know man. I was just trying to hang out with her and she told me to go away." I shrug, "she won't talk about whatever it is."

Enzo stands silent for a section and says, "fuck man. It's her sisters birthday today."

My heart drops, he knew before me.

I nod silently and run my hand through my hair. "I'll try to talk to her again."

I get up and walk passed him. My heart races as I open her bedroom door. I hear her sniffle and I close the door softly. Her back faces me as I walk in.

"Amore mio you okay?" I walk to the other side of her bed and squat down. 

Her eyes are closed and she wipes her face with the back of her hand. I gently use my hand and caress her cheek, wiping her tears with my thumb.

She slowly opens her eyes and lets a sob leave her lips.

Her face was red. Eyes bloodshot and puffy. Her dark blue eyes looked black almost.

"Amore mio," I sigh softly.

I gently grab the picture in her arms. Looking at it before I place it on the nightstand. I stand up and climb into the bed with her. Instantly she wraps herself around me and I snake my arm around her waist.

"Come here baby," I say softly as I press my lips to her head. "You don't have to talk, you don't have to explain anything. If you need to just cry I'm here. Amore mio, I promise I'll never go anywhere."

Her hold on me tightens as a sob leaves her lips, "I miss her so much."

I kiss her head again not knowing what to say exactly.

"Lucy was my best friend. Not a moment in my life did I have to go through it alone. She was always there and I was for her. That one fucking day I wasn't there she ends up murdered. One fucking day!" She sobs into my chest and a frustrated huff leaves her lips.

"I know Amore mio, I know." I rub my hand up and down her back and say, "it wasn't your fault though. You couldn't have known she was going to be killed. You had no control over that. And I know if you did, you would stop it."

She sniffles and wipes her tears, "do you remember when you asked me if I've killed before being here?"

I nod, "yeah why?"

Her question seemed random.

"I killed my and Lucy's rapist." She pauses letting me take in the information. I didn't know what to say. "I was fifteen. He had been raping me since I was six."

I didn't speak, I stare down at her and open my mouth. Nothing comes out.

"He deserved to be killed then," I finally spoke.

She nods, "yeah. That was my first murder and I hid his body, I use to visit where I buried his ashes. Use to spit on his grave and walk away."

She had stopped crying and I kiss her head.

A Red Romance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon