first mission - 8

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I pull on my black jeans and a black tank top. Both hug my body tightly. I pull my black timberlands on my feet and walk to Alessandro's office.

I open the door with caution and walk in. "Alright you know what your doing right?" He asks as the door closes behind me.

I walk closer and he hands me a gun. Still waiting for me to respond I grab the gun from him.

"Yes. Going in killing the two men and leaving, Enzo will grab the package." I say as I tuck the gun into my pants.

"Good. Killian will be with you guys just in case something goes south alright?"


Killian and I haven't talked n the passed week. Since or little argument anyway.

I make my way outside and someone grabs my arm, pulling me into a spare bedroom. Killian.

I roll my eyes, "what do you want?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day. I know you could easily fuck almost any guy around you and I know I'm a pig. Ok? I- sex is how I help myself with things I guess." He sighs, "you don't have to believe a word I say. I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Forgotten. Now we have a mission to go to."

He nods and lets me go.

I get outside and climb into my 1967 chevy impala that Alessandro had let me get a while ago.

I start it and Killian climbs into the passenger seat, Enzo climbs into his own bright red Lamborghini.

Crazy ass colors like that are not the mood.

I speed out of the driveway and head to the building we need to go to.

As I pull up I notice there are more than just two guys here. "Killian, um- we're gonna need your help."

"Yeah- let's go. You be careful though. Never leave my sight got it?" He points to me. We click in our earpieces.

"I'm not a child Killian!"

"Well it's your first mission!" He says loudly.

"I don't remember asking," I roll my eyes and get out. Slamming the door I sigh. I mumble softly, "asshole."

"Can everyone hear me?" Rossi says through the earpieces.

"Yeah," we all say.

"Good." He sighs, "obviously there are more than two men. So Killian you need to go in with then and kill anyone necessary."

"Got it."

We head in and I hold my gun to one's head. He tries to cut me with his blade, but I shoot him before his blade hits me. He drops and another turns to see me. Before his eyes land on me, I hide within the shadow of the building. He looks around and my gun hits the back of his head before his body drops.

I look behind to see Killian with three other guys. I shoot one from here I am and he gets the other two.

"Looks like I'm not the one who needs the help," I say to him through thr earpiece.

"Oh, fuck off Arizona."

I grab my knife from inside my jacket and slit the throat of one of the men in front of me. Hiding within the dark shadow of thr building again, I watch the other. My footsteps are pretty much silent until I run up to the guy and stab him in the chest. His body drops quickly and I smile to myself.

I've killed before, but not like that. This is fucking fun.

We get into the building finally and it's empty. "Theres no way this entire building is empty. Why would anyone leave the inside unprotected?" I say as i look around me.

We all checked every room and there was nobody here.

Enzo goes to grab the package and says, "because in 5 minutes a bomb is gonna go off! Go! Go! Go!" He screams as he grabs the package and we all run outside.

Jumping into our cars we speed off and the bomb goes off. The entire building blows up and I slam on my breaks as I don't see Enzo's car.

"Why the fuck did you stop?" Killian screams.

"Where the fuck is Enzo? Enzo!" I yell as my earpiece is still connected to his. "Enzo!"

I jump out of my car and Killian follows me. We run to see Enzo's car, he had crashed into a tree.

"No no no no no," I repeat as if it's the only word I know. Enzo is my best friend, he can't be gone.

We look into his car and see his lifeless body. Blood drips from his forehead, but his back rises and falls slowly.

"He's breathing! Fucking call the doctor!" I scream as tears threaten to fall. "We can't lose Enzo. Killian fucking call!"

He fumbles with his phone before calling. He hangs up and helps me get Enzo out of the car. His breathing is shallow and he starts to wheeze softly.

"Enzo, take it easy. Just stay calm for me."

Enzo was more than my best friend. He was like my brother. I knew things about him he was afraid to tell others.

Enzo is gay and he has a boyfriend. Nobody but me knows that. He's scared that the family will disown him or something.

I completely understand why he doesn't want to come out.

We rush him back to the house and doctors rush him to the medical ward. I sit on thr front steps and put my head in my hands.

Killian sits next to me and says, "Enzo is one strong fucker. He'll be fine."

"And how would you know that? It was an explosion not a simply gunshot wound Killian."

"He's strong."

"And so am I, but I could still die." My tone was rude and yet soft at the same time.

He doesn't speak, he just looks at me before getting up. The front door slams and I'm left on the steps alone.

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