wedding prep - 43

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I stand in the bathroom of the hotel. It was beautiful. A honeymoon suit, but just for me. For my wedding day.

I run my hands through my freshly washed hair. Terri holds, Lucas. Freshly three months old now.

"Are you ready for this wedding?" Annabella smiles as she stands in the doorway.

I smile, "god, I fucking hope so."

I stand in my matching white lace thong and bra. My dress is beautiful. A white lacey wedding gown. Strapless, a sweetheart neck line. The dress reaches the floor.

Annabella helps me with my hair, curling the bottom and pulling it into a low bun. Small hairs fall out and my newly dyed sides make it look even cooler. She places a few bobypins before saying, "okay done. Let's do your makeup now!"

I smile and let a deep breath leaves my lips. I turn to face the mirror and grab my makeup bag.

Killian offered to pay for anyone I wanted to come do these things for me. I told him no, only because I didn't want random people here messing with me. I knew I could do this all on my own and here I am, doing it without professional helpers.

I do a slight smokey eye, but keep the colors more natural. A quick nose conture and some small eyeliner. I do my mascara quickly and check my phone.

"Can I see you before?" Killian texts me.

"Isn't that like against the rules?" I type back.

"I make the rules baby, so no it isn't."

I laugh as I read his message. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready though?"

"Amore mio, I have to put a shirt on. That's about it. Let me see you?"

I roll my eyes and giggle softly, "fine. You have five minutes."

"What're you giggling at?" Terri asks.

"Killian, he's so stupid!" I laugh as there's a knock on the door. I grab the 'bridal' robe and slip it on.

I open the door and Killian smiles. Instantly he grabs me by my hips, pulling me closer. "You look beautiful, amore mio!" He whispers softly in my ear.

"Careful, if you mess it up Annabella will have your ass! She worked hard on my hair," I chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry." He chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully. "Can I at least kiss you?"

I nod, "yes Kill."

He leans in softly and presses his lips to mine. His hands hold my back as he leans forward a little more, deepening the kiss. My hands interlock behind his head and I smile. His kisses are soft, slow and agonizing, making me want more.

"Alright guys! Break it up! We need to get this wedding started sooner rather than later!" Enzo says as he now stands behind Killian. He's dressed in an all black suit with a deep blood red button down. His hair was recently buzzed again.

"You guys are no fun," Killian whines as he throws his head back. Being overdramatic as usual.

I roll my eyes, chuckling and say, "Enzo you just want to get Terri back into your bed."

"I mean- true, but no. Killian here needed to put a shirt on and someone needs to do something with with mop top he's got!" Enzo was right, causing me to laugh.

Killian hadn't had a hair cut in a little while. He liked it like this though, so it was fine by me. It now reached just above his shoulders and it flopped everywhere. He runs his hand through it and says, "fuck off En!"

"Come on. You'll get to fuck her as soon as the wedding is over!" Enzo chuckles as he grabs Killian by the back of his neck.

I peck Killian's lips once more before he's dragged off. The boys hit and mess with each other as they run down the empty hallway. I close the door and lean against it. "I fucking love that man," I bite my lip and and.

"Jesus man. I wish me and Brett were like this on our wedding day," Annabella chuckles.

"What'd you mean?" Terri asks.

"Our wedding day was terrible. Ended good, but it started out with my dad literally trying to murder him. My dad was furious about the wedding and so we ran away and got married in Vegas. It was a cure little wedding with one of my best friend and Brett's older brother." She smiles, "Brett's brother and my friend ended up getting married a few years later too."

I smile, "that's kind of cute though."

Annabella laughs, "yeah. It was nice in the end."

"Okay guys. You need to feed this little demon spawn before you put your dress on!" Terri says handing me Lucas.

I quickly try to feed him and pump as much as I can. All of them are going to keep an eye on Lucas while we're on our honeymoon. I'm already stressed about it, but hopefully it'll be okay.

I finish feeding Lucas and Annabella takes him so Terri can help with my dress. She ties the corset back, that stops halfway up my back. I smile as I stare at myself in the mirror. I giggle as I pull my Vans onto my feet.


"Yes. Vans."

"That's not a wedding shoe."

"Ugh, you sound like Enzo! I wore Vans on one of my first dates with Killian and Enzo told me I wasn't allowed to wear them," I laugh. "He told me I was weird for it."

"Well I am dating him," Terri laughs.

I nod, "you right though."

We laugh and let out a deep breath. I make sure my hair looks okay before making sure my shoes were tied. "Time to go," Annabella says softly.

I nod and let out another deep breath, "Okay."

She opens to door and I step out, the cold air of the hallway hits me. I shiver slightly and we start walking walking the hall.

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