fight - 31

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- Killian's pov -

It's been two weeks. She's messaged me time after time, but I ignore it. I read it, but don't respond. I want to, but I can't. I made her leave, now I have to deal with that.

I sit in what is now my office. My desk now has pictures of my mom, sister and of course Arizona.

I found out both my mom and Olivia were killed. Alessandro is an insane and crazy man. He killed them in cold blood for no reason. He laughed in my face after hitting my mother then killed her. I should have killed him that day, right there in the kitchen.

I pull at my hair and groan loudly. The room was boring me. I needed to do something. I barely have slept and I simply just want to hold Arizona again.

I wish she was in my arms right now, telling me how cute I was when I was frustrated. I wish I could kiss her again. Feel her hands in my hair or against my skin.

The door opens and Enzo walks in. I groan again as he sits in front of me. "You've had eyes on her. Keeping watch incase they needed to step in, but yet you won't go talk to her. You won't apologize or fucking say you're sorry?"

"I can't Enzo."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I fucked up."

"Then go fucking fix it! What is there not to fix huh?" He sighs in frustration, "I hate seeing you like this. I miss my best friend and I miss how you were when you had her!"

I sigh, "I know En. I fucking know. I miss it too."

"Then Killian, go fix it." He runs his hand through over his buzzed head, "she's at the underground right now."

With that he left. The door slams and I lean back against the chair. I stare at the picture of her and I. We were cuddled together in my bed and she was kissing my cheek. That was the day I told her i loved her.

I get up from the chair and head to my room. I take a quick shower and put on my dark blue dress pants. Her favorite pair of dress pants I may add. I pull on my usual white button down and slip my gold chain over my head. I add a few golden rings to my fingers, one of which she bought for me.

I sigh as I pull my nike socks on along with my shoes. I slick my hair back with my hands and stare at myself in my mirror.

"Just say you're fucking sorry!" I mumble to myself as I grab my car keys.

Finally getting to the underground I go inside. Terri smiles, "back so soon?"

I chuckle fakely, "yeah Arizona's fighting tonight. Thought I'd come watch."

"Can I get you something to drink before you go down?"

"Just a whiskey?"

She nods and pours me a glass. I drink it quickly, like a shot and pay her before heading downstairs.

Brett opens the door and shakes up with me, "where you been man?" He asks.

"Been busy. How 'bout you Brett?"

"Been here. Busy as usual and just working!"

"Getting good business then yeah?"

"Always," he smiles.

The announcer yells and I look over, Arizona stands in the ring. She's ready to fight, her hair braided down her back. The sides of it are platinum blonde now. She wears spandex, as she always does for a fight, one of my t-shirts on her too. She stole that months ago.

"Whose she fighting?" I ask looking back to Brett.

"A newbie. She's big and fast, but of course A is faster!"

I nod silently and sigh, "I fucked up Brett."


"I fucked up. With her and I." I look at him again, "I told her I lied and that I didn't love her. I thought I was helping her, but I just made things worse man."

"You're here to fix it huh?"

"Try to, yeah," I nod softly.

"Get your ass in the ring as soon as she's done. When she sees you in there she will fight you yes, but you'll get to talk without a scene got it?"

"Thank you Brett!" I pat his back before walking away. Hiding in the shadows of the basement.

The fight ends with one hit, Arizona punched her and the girl fell to her ass.

I pull my pants off, revealing a pair of tight basketball shorts. I pull of all my jewelry and sigh before looking into the ring again. I take my shirt off and sigh softly before stepping into the ring. She faces away from me before the announcer yells, "Killian DeLuca has entered once again!"

She spins around quickly and her eyes widen. I nod to her as I scan her body. Her knuckles bloody and bruised, just as mine were. She looked the same, but exhausted and her hair slightly different.

The announcer yells and she lunges at me, punching my in the cheek. Her fists collide with my chest over and over and she stares at me. I grab her wrist and throw her to the floor, "I'm sorry amore mio. I fucked up!" I say as I punch her cheek.

"I loved you with my body, mind and soul, but yet you still left me," she hisses. She bucks her hips and climbs ontop of me. She punches me over and over. Left, right, left, right.

"You broke my heart and yet you think you can apologize," she yells as she hits me again and again.

I buck my hips and we get to our feet. Staring at each other I say, "I know. And I'm sorry!"

"Being broken sucks, but it's worse when you still love the person who broke you in the first place!"

"I'm sorry for hurting you!"

She punches me in the ribs and says, "you don't get to be sorry. You don't love me and you fucked me over!" She hits me again and yells, "You hurt me. Now it's my turn to hurt you!"

"I lied!" I say punching her back, in the ribs, "I wanted you out of the life so I thought hurting you would make it better!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

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