talking helps - 9

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Hours seem to pass before the doctor comes into the kitchen. I sit with a glass of whiskey in my hand, sipping it slowly. The doctor stands across from me, on the other side of the island, "Enzo is going to be fine. The explosion caused him to hit his head. He had a minor concussion and a few glass pieces were lodged into his skin, but he's fine."

I nod, "thanks for letting me know. He should be back to normal soon right?"

"Yeah, just give him a few days to get better and then he's good for missions again," he smiles to me and says, "I'm glad to see a new face around here by the way."

"Yeah. It's been fun to be here."

He chuckles before walking away and Killian walks into the kitchen. "I told you he'd be fine Arizona."

"Yeah yeah. You can't just assume for the better. Not everything works out that way," I take a sip from my glass and set it down slowly.

"Why can't you assume for the better?"

I look at him then back to the counter top in front of me. I slowly close my eyes for a second before opening them again, "because I assumed my sister would be okay and now she's dead."

Looking up, I meet his eyes cautiously. I bite my lip nervously and say, "nevermind. Forget I said anything."

I stand up and try to push passed him, but his hand grabs my wrist. He spins me to face him and he asks, "what happen to her?"

"She was murdered," I stare at his hand against my skin trying to focus on anything else.

My sister's death was still touchy for me. I didn't talk about it and only Enzo knew. Now Killian does and the memories of her come flooding back.

"Who killed her?" He asks as he let go of my arm. Our eyes meet and I smile weakly.

"That's what I want to know." I shrug, "I'd kill the fucker who did that to her, but I don't know who did it."

"Do you want me to have Rossi check it out?"

"Absolutely not." I shake my head, "less people who know, the less I have to talk about it. Him knowing would mean your mom and dad knowing and anyone else Rossi speaks with so I think I'll pass."

He nods, "okay. I'm sorry about your sister by the way."

"Don't be sorry. You didn't kill her."

I stare at the floor now, wanting to talk more about her. I loved my sister and i would love to tell people about how amazing she was. I didn't want to tell people I didn't know though.

"Come on," he says before grabbing me by the hand and dragging me upstairs.

He opens a door and swings it open, his bedroom. He closes the door behind us and says, "I want you to tell me about her. Anything and everything."

"We couldn't do that in the kitchen?"

"No. People can listen or walk in and you said less people know, less you have to explain it. So here we are, talk."

I chuckle as I sit on his bed. His room was nice, dark grey walls. Everything else was black; bed spread, nightstands, closet doors, even his bed frame. Mirrors were plastered on the ceiling filling up most of it.

He sits next to me and I sigh. "Where to start," I laugh nervously.

"The beginning."

"Lucy was four years younger than me. She was a bright soul and loved to be girly as shit. She- pink was her favorite color and she wanted to be a barbie designer when we were kids. Growing up she decided on wanting to teach and be someone who helped kids when they needed it." I sigh and run a hand through my hair, "we were opposite of each other, but that was the best part."

I pause for a second, not knowing where to start next.

"Lucy was an amazing person. She always seen the best in people and never once did she say she hated someone. She hated the word hate. When our parents died- she went though a little depressive episode and me only being ten I didn't know what to do. I did the only thing I thought was right, I promised to hurt the person who hurt us." I chuckle softly, "now i can't hurt the person who did it."

"Why not?" He asks softly.

Our eyes meet and I say, "because it was a murder suicide. My dad killed my mom then himself."


"Yeah. Lucy was beautiful though, her beautiful long blonde hair was of course fake. She had natural dark hair like mine, but she could pull of blonde. It fit her. She had the perfect blue eyes and pink lips. God, to look like Lucy would be a god send I swear."

"You're beautiful too."

"Ha. Killian you're funny."

"No I'm serious. You're so fucking beautiful." His eyes lock with mine and we sit silently for a minute.

His hand cups my cheek and he rubs his thumb against it. The soothing feeling made me melt under his touch. Our faces inched closer and closer until there was no more space.

Our lips collide and our eyes squeeze shut. My hands hold his face and he brings his other hand to my side. Our kiss was long and it felt as if we could do to forever, even with losing our breath.

Pulling away I run my hand through my hair. "Woah," he sighs with a small smile.

"I- shut up," I blush and try to hide it.

"Oh stop trying to hide it. I know you're blushing and you liked that."

I smack him in the arm and giggle softly. "Fuck you."

"Arizona all you have to do it ask," he smiles rightly and I hit him again. My cheeks heat up even more.

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