me before you - 17

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Arizona and I stand in the middle of the storage containers. Surrounded by russians, waiting for Rossi to give us the layout of them.

We stand back to back. Guns out and both of us catching our breath.

"Okay guys. There's russians in every direction. They don't know where you're at. I'll have our guys move in from the outside while you make your way out ok?"

"Okay," we say.

I turn to Arizona and grab her wrist, forcing her to face me. We both turn our ear pieces off for a second. Cupping her cheek I sigh, "I'll go first then you."

"What? No! Not happening Killian," her protest causes me to shake my head.

"I'm not letting you die ok?"

"And I'm not letting you fucking die on me!" She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, "I'm not about to lose you Killian!"

"Well I'm not going to lose you. You come before me in everyday except this one. If I'm going to die, fuck it. If you're gonna die then I'm gonna die too."

"If you fucking die then I'm going to follow right behind you Kill!"

Kill. The nickname she had given me a few weeks back. It was random, but I let it slide. (Italic Kill)

"Well I better not die then huh?"

"I'm going before you," she sighs.

"No you are not amore mio!"

She pulls me into a tight hug, "we both better not die then huh?"

I hug her back and pull away after a while. I kiss her softly, as if would be the last. Her hands grips my hair and mine hold her waist. Our bodies so close there was no air left between us. We both pull away and turn our ear pieces back on.

"What the fuck?" Rossi yells.

"Sorry. Our ear pieces cut out," I lie.

"Well hurry up and get the fuck out of there."

We nod as if he could see us and we head the same way. The only way.

Our guns pop as bullets fly. Russians fall to the ground. Blood fills the areas around them. Stepping in it I smile, hitting another and another.

Dropping my empty gun, I grab my other from my waistband. I look to see Arizona, her gun smacking one in the head. I smile before feeling a hot sensation in my chest and arm. I look to see a russian with his gun pointed at me. A scream rings in my ears before my vision blurs.

Arizona runs at me and my body hits the ground. Things go black.

- Arizona's pov -

I scream as I run at him, shooting the russian in front of him. That was the last guy in the shipping yard.

"Kill! Killian!" I hit his cheek softly trying to wake him. "Killian!" I scream.

Tears pour down my cheeks as his lifeless body lays in my arms. His blood spreading around and on me.

"Rossi, get a fucking ambulance or something!" I scream into the ear piece.

Enzo runs beside me and grabs my arm. "Come on, I'll help you get him into the car. Come on Arizona!"

He helps me carry his body to the car before I climb into the backseat. Killian's body lays on me, tears continue to stream down my cheeks. Enzo speads back to the house.

We get there and the doctors rush him away from us. I stop the tears and wipe my face.

Standing outside of the house I pace. I could go in, but right now I can't do it. I can't bring myself to. I force myself to stop crying as fear take over my mind. Fear of losing him.

"He's going to be fine Ari!" Enzo says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't say that En," I whisper.

"Why? He will be. He always is."

"Because what if he isn't," my eyes meet his. "What if he isn't? Then what?"

"He will be."

"If I lose him," I pause as I stare at the ground again. "I- I don't know what I'll do Enzo. I can't lose him."

Enzo doesn't speak, he just pulls me into a tight embrace. "Don't think like that Ari!"

His arms squeeze me tightly, in a good way. I sob into his chest and say, "he fucking better be fine!"

Hours seem to pass as I now lay in my bed. He is out of surgery and seems okay so far, but he's resting. It has been a total of six hours since we got back here. Killian's mom seen him and so did his little sister, but I haven't gone yet. I don't want to draw too much attention I guess.

My phone rings and I answer it. Rossi says, "he's screaming for his amore mio. I was the only one there so go fucking get him under control."

"On my way."

I put my phone on my bed and rush to see him.

When I get the the medical ward he stands in the corner of the room. A hospital gown draped on his body. A pocket knife in his hand and it points to the doctor in front of him.

I open the door and our eyes lock. "Amore mio," his words slur.

"Put the knife down Killian, yeah?"

I step closer, slowly with my arm extended. He drops the knife to the floor and his body almost falls as he reaches for me. His grip on my tighter than ever, as if he'd almost lost me.

"You're okay Kill," I whisper softly into his ear.

His body slumps as he starts to pass out from being so exhausted. Rossi helps me get him onto the bed before leaving me with him.

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