funerals - 35

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Funerals had never been my favorite things. Yes, I've killed and brutally murdered hundreds of people. But funerals for family were different. Killings, they didn't get funerals. Family does though.

The bodies of my mother and little sister sit inside the caskets. They are displayed infront of me as if they were meant to be a prize. A prize of shame and regret.

I regret letting them go with him. I'm ashamed of letting him live that day. I should have killed him. I should have hit him harder than I did. I should have done something to help.

I sit in the church silently as everyone around me speaks to one another. The sounds of muffled sobs and quiet speaking makes me anxious.

I search for Arizona's hand and squeeze it tightly as I find it. She holds my hand in her lap and kisses my knuckles. I sigh and stare straight forward.

The priest comes in and speaks, "dearly beloved. We are here today to celebrate the lives of Andrea Santiago DeLuca and Olivia Mariella Angelo DeLuca! The two were beautiful people, caring, loving, and the brightest. They held the family together and were the light in the darkness."

I look over slightly to see Rossi. He grabs my open hand and I nod to him.

"Andrea and Olivia were the only girls in this family. They held it together as I said before," he pauses and looks to me. "I would like Killian Stefano Angelo DeLuca to step up here and say a few words?"

I shake my head and Arizona stands. She makes her way up there and says, "I'll do it. He's not the best at things like this."

The crowd behind us chuckles. The priest nods before taking his seat.

- Arizona's pov -

Staring out I feel nerves wanting to come up. I push them aside and look to Killian. He sighs softly as he runs his hand through his hair.

"I met Andrea and Olivia after staying over at the DeLuca house. I could have died and Killian took me back to watch over me. I met them and Olivia begged me to play. I never thought I'd see them again and I'm so glad I did."

I stare at my hands as they rest on the podium.

"Olivia was bright and bubbly. She was adorable and she was the light in a very dark house. Andrea was also the light. I mean they both were. They were amazing and so selfless." I take a deep breath, "Andrea was the mother I never had. She took care of me, loved me, showed me how to be a good person. I accidentally called her mom once and she giggled. She said it was no biggie!"

Sobs of people around us fills my ears as I look to see the caskets.

"Olivia was a little sister I never had. I had a younger sister, but not one this little. Olivia and my little sister would have been the best of friends and maybe now they are. Wherever they are." I smile weakly as tears threatened to spill. My voice cracks as I speak, "I miss Olivia and Andrea. The house just isn't the same. They will always be remembered and never forgotten!"

"Thank you," the priest says as he takes the stand again.

I sit back next to Killian and he holds my hand. I lean my head on his shoulder as a tear falls from my eye.

Soon we stand in the grave yard. Watching as they lower both caskets into the ground. Just me and Killian stand here.

He shoves his hands in his pockets as we stand quietly. I stand with my hands in front of me and I stare at the caskets.

I'm not sure what to say or if I should say anything.

I stand silently, waiting for something to happen. Not sure if anything would actually happen.

All of a sudden, shots ring out. Gunshots.

I drop to the ground and Killian follows. He sits in front of me and pull his gun from his pants. He never leaves without it, for shit like this. I look next to me and see blood. Blood spilling slowly from my body.


He shots and hits whoever was shooting at us. Turning to me he sees the blood. He jumps up and applies pressure to my side.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He repeats over and over. "Amore mio! No no no no."

He grabs his phone and presses against it. Calling someone. "Ho bisogno che porti il ​​dottore o qualcosa del genere, Alex! Le hanno sparato!"

He hangs up and picks me up, bridal style. "Don't you fucking die on me Arizona!"

I cough softly and close my eyes as I come in and out of consciousness. Things felt hazy and my vision was blury. I felt as if I was floating and everything around me was gone. My eyes flutter open as he stares me.

I notice we're in a car, but I don't remember getting in.


"Shh. Don't talk baby," he says.

Everything goes black and I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around and I'm still in the house, the medical ward. The room was slightly different from the last time I stepped foot in this part of the house. The walls were a slight yellow color and the pictures were different. Instead of birds they were now buildings and places that looked more expensive than my entire life. The bed was softer than the last time and it seemed slightly bigger.

I sigh as I run my hand over my face. I groan as I try to sit up and feel a sharp pain in my side. Killian jumps up from a chair in the corner of the room. "Amore mio, lay back down. You got shot, just relax ok?" He says as he stands next to me.

I lay back again and groan softly, "after the funeral I got shot yeah?"

I try to remember the events, but it was still fuzzy. I remember up to the point of the bodies being put into the ground.

"Yeah baby. I'm sorry for not protecting you."

"How long was I out?"

"Two days."

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