home finally - 24

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It's Friday morning. I've been up for the passed six and a half hours waiting by the door. From my room I can hear the front door. The only time it will open today is when Arizona is back.

I wait and wait.

About the hours later, the front door opens. I sprint down the stairs and there she is. Her skin was tanned, more than usual. Her dark big blue eyes light up as they meet mine. Her dark black hair is longer, almost to her butt.

A huge cringy smile spreads across my lips as I rush to pull her into a hug.

Her bags drop to the floor as her arms wrap around my neck. Instantly her hands find my hair, pulling softly at it. She wraps her legs around my waist and I kiss her roughly.

"Fuck, I missed you amore mio!" I say as I tighten my grip on her.

"I missed you too, Kill!" She says as a giggle leaves her lips.

"God I've missed you pulling at my hair," I say as her grip on it tightens. "I missed your smell and your voice and your lips and-"

"I missed you too!" She giggles again, cutting me off as I was rambling.

I set her down and run my hand through my hair. I'm so happy I don't know what to do.

"Sorry, let me take this upstairs," I say as I go to grab her bag.

She stops me and grabs it first, "Kill, it's okay. I got it."

"I- okay. Sorry."

She smiles and shakes her head before making her way upstairs. I follow behind her and open her bedroom door for her.

She told me about what happened a few days ago, of course I already knew. I let her vent and cry about it over the phone before telling her that I loved her and I would kill the man who did that. She seemed okay about it now, but I'm not sure.

She sets her bag down as I close the door and she turns to me. "I'm sorry," she sighs.

I watch as she sits on the bench in front of her bed. "For what?" I ask as I sit next to her.

"For what happened, letting him touch me like that," she sighs as tears well in her eyes.

"No, don't do that amore mio!" I say wrapping my arms around her. I pull her onto my lap and say, "don't you dare apologize. You had no idea it would happen. You had no control over it okay?" 

"I- I didn't fight back. I let it happen, I didn't scream!" She sobs into my chest. "I should have done something to stop it!"

"Arizona, stop. You had no control over it. Even if you can take down a man it doesn't mean being raped is your fault! Baby-" I pause and use my finger to lift her chin, "you are not the one to blame. You didn't ask for it. You didn't have to scream for him to know you didn't want it."

I kiss her softly and say, "you are beautiful and amazing and no matter what I will always love you alright?"

She nods as tears stream down her cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumbs as I cup her face. "I love you Arizona Gonzalez! So so so fucking much."

"I love you too," she says as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hands.

I hold her against my chest and run my hand through her hair. "You're okay baby, you're strong and beautiful," I whisper softly as I press my lips to her head.

A sigh leaves her lips. I kiss her head again before picking her up. Laying her in the bed I climb in next to her. She stares at at the entire time, not knowing what I'm going to do.

"Don't worry baby, I just want to cuddle ok?' I say as I pull her closer.

She nods as her head lays on my chest. "Thank you," she says softly against my bare chest.

"You're welcome amore mio," I say as I close my eyes. 

Her finger trails around, tracing my tattoos. "When did you get this one?" She asks as her finger trails over my newest one.

"The day you left."

"What?" She looks up at me as I look down at her.

"The day you left I got it done."

"Why?" She smiles at me as she looks at the tattoo again before looking back to me.

"Because I had one space on my chest left and I thought you deserved that spot." I smile as my cheeks heat up, "you're amore mio."

My entire body was covered in tattoos. From my waist up to where my shirt sits sits my neck. A huge skull head tattooed on my back and a few different random things on my chest. My arms were covered from thr top of my shoulder to my knuckles. A portrait of my mother sits on my left ribcage alone with her hand writing. I got it almost two years ago. She loved it.

My knuckles said fuck life. I was sixteen when I got them done.

She giggles before pulling me into a rough kiss. After a minute or so she pulls away, "I got something for you too."

I stare at her as she gets to her knees, facing me. She pulls up her t-shirt showing me her ribs. A poem I had found that I really liked and sent to her, but in Italian.

Non riesco nemmeno a tenerti la mano, ma ti amo con un amore che nessuno può capire

I smile and ask, "when did you get it?"

"Three days ago. I wanted to surprise you with something and so I got it tattooed on me. I really liked the poem and it-" she giggles as her cheeks flush. "Sorry, I was nervous to show you!"

"You're okay amore mio, I think think it looks amazing!" I smile and pull her into a kiss.

"I love you!" She smiles as she lays next to me again.

We lay tangled together and I say, "I love you too."

I hold her close to my chest and kiss her head a few times.

Her room was the same as the last time I was in it. It felt complete now though, she was back. Back in my arms. Safe and sound.

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