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Hey y'all, so as you all probably know, the world has been extra crazy lately. I don't consider myself a very popular writer - like in any way. I'm literally just a bored teenager writing fan fiction, but thankfully I have been lucky enough to have grown into a position where I can inform people about the world - you guys. Although there isn't a lot of you, whoever this may come across can have great influence. 

The war between Ukraine and Russia broke out last Thursday and I just want to let you know that my dm's are always open for people to talk. Whether it's about the war, anxiety, depression, i'm always here. I struggle with a lot of things, and I've been told that I give decent advice. and if you don't want advice, I can just listen. I know that sometimes talking to a stranger is easier than talking to people you know. Seriously, I am here, and I care about all of you. 

Instagram: Averylayne_2007

just in case y'all need me. 

Also, DON'T BE GHOSTS!!! Meaning, I LOVE seeing your comments. It makes me so beyond happy. So talk! have conversations in the comments. Leave your opinions and feedback. and remember, be brutally honest!


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