Im tired

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As the week went on it got more and more stressful. Hiding my thing with Daveed. Costume design. Choreography. Everything was too much.

I was almost done designing James Madison's costume when someone knocked on my door. I didn't look up but silently allowed them in.

"Hey! How are you." I didn't look up but I knew it was Lin.

"Fine." Lin knows I've been staying up all night and day working on these costumes, he knows I'm tired.

"Y/N, you can take a break, you've been working really hard."

"I don't need a break."

"Yes you definitely do."

"Lin what do you need!" I didn't mean to snap at Lin. But I was exhausted, and was running on two hours of sleep.

"Take a break!" He said, quoting the fucking musical.

"Fine, I'm almost done with Burrs costume at least."

"ooOoO, let me see!"
I showed him the sketch

"I LOVE IT!!! And the color matches Leslie's skin tone!"

"I know." I said. I was proud of myself. I was over tired, over worked, and stressed, but I still pulled through.

"This is Elizas dress." I showed Lin the sketch.
His jaw dropped.

"This is my favorite thing ever. Who picked the color?"




"Alright, good work, but take a break please!"

"I will!"

I was organizing all of the sketches as Lin walked out, and as he did, Daveed walked in.

"Hey hey!" He said.

"Hey!" I said smiling but still exhausted.

"How are you?"

"Tired." I said while reaching out to hug him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck, as I rested my head on his chest. And he put his head on top of mine.

It was nice. I wasn't big on physical contact but Daveed made me feel comfortable. He started rubbing my back and humming.

"Your hair smells so good!" He said

I started laughing at that.

"Why are you smelling my hair Diggs?" I said as I pulled away from his chest.

"What have you been up to, I haven't seen you much in the past few days."

"Just practicing lines really, and helping Anthony memorize his lines."

"Gotcha, uh I'm gonna go home because I haven't slept in 3 days."

"Want me to drive you?"

"Sure if it's okay with Lin."

A/N: another short chapter but that marks 3 in one day. What'd you think? Remember brutal honesty

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