Im okay

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I drove for hours and hours. Until it was dark out. I couldn't go back to Lin's apartment, not yet.

But I promised Sebastian I would go see him soon, and he's going to bed in a 30 minutes, it's currently 7:30.

I'll just go by the apartment tomorrow while Lin is at rehearsals. But where am I going to spend the night.

I could go to Daveed's apartment, but then he'd tell Lin. I could go to Jasmine, although she might be with Anthony. I'll go to Pippa.


I knocked on her door and her eyes widened as she enveloped me in a hug.

"Y/N, where have you been. We've all been worried all day. You didn't show up to work and you wouldn't answer the group chat."

That's when Pippa noticed that I was crying. The first time I had cried since my panic attack, the first time I had genuinely cried out of pure exhaustion.

"Hey hey hey, come in and sit down."

I walked into her very clean and polished house. I sat down on the couch and hunched over and started sobbing.

This was very abnormal for me, I never cried. Especially not in front of people.

"okay deep breathes, hunny tell me what's wrong."

I shook my head no.

Because the truth is, talking about something makes it feel so much more real. And confirming the fact that Lin fired me was just depressing honestly.

"Does it have to do with why you weren't at work today?"

I shook my head yes.

"You don't have to talk right now"

By then I was just numb and didn't have the motivation to speak.

I was still hunched over and Pippa was rubbing my back.

"Does Lin know you're here?"

I shook my head no.

"Does Daveed?"

Once again I shook my head no.

A few minutes later I started to calm down and sat back on the couch. I wiped my tears and leaned my head on Pippa's shoulder. And she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked


"Okay, but I have tea on the kettle so I have to go take it off, but after I get it we can talk. Do you want a cup?"

"Yes please."

After she left I took the blanket off the back of the couch and cuddled up in it and took my phone out of my pocket then realized Daveed and Lin texted me.

I opened the messages from Daveed.

Daveed<3: Where are you?

Daveed<3: Y/N i'm getting worried

You: I'm with Pippa.

Daveed<3: Can I call you please

You: I'm really tired right now. I'll call you later.

Daveed<3: Okay that's fine. Be safe.

With that, I looked at the messages from Lin.


Lin: Y/N please just answer. We really need to talk.


Lin: c'mon N/N please.

I didn't answer him though. I wasn't going to talk to him.

Then Pippa came back with two cups of tea. And she handed me the light purple mug with the steaming tea as she sat down on the other side of the couch facing me.

"Lin fired me." I said

Pippa froze as she was blowing on her tea.

"what? why?"

"Because me and Dav-" but I hesitated. I'm sure she already knows, but what if she didn't.

"You guys have something going on don't you?"

"Yeah. We're not dating, but we're more than friends. Lin is mad because he thinks something is gonna go wrong, and he doesn't want there to be tension. But I really like him, and after my last relationship it's been really hard for me to like people. And Lin has done so much for me, and he's worked so hard for this, and I don't want to ruin it. But Daveed makes me so happy. And now I lost my job. And I just said a bunch of words- and I just don't know why i'm here." I said all at once.

"Here? What do you mean here?" she replied.

"I mean on earth. I can't make everyone happy. I can't even make myself happy. I'm just lost." i said.

It had been a long time since i've felt this down. Since i've felt numb and hopeless.

"Well I think you should tell Lin what you just told me. Brutal honesty is what's best in every situation."

"He won't listen. I don't blame him. I just don't want to go back home, not while he's there."

"How about Daveed?"

"I can't face him right now either."

"You're not mad at him though?"

"I know, but I just can't do it."

I didn't know why I couldn't. Daveed would let me stay with him, I know that. But I can't keep relying on him, we know where that got me with Lin. The more I rely on him the more they slip away.

I had to cut things off with daveed.


A/N: hey, i'm gonna write another chapter but I can't promise that i'm gonna post it tonight.

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