2nd audition

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"Hello everyone and welcome to the call-back auditions for Hamilton! We are really excited to have you all here today. You guys will be auditioning in character! And we are going to start with Peggy Schuyler and Maria Reynolds, so if you are auditioning for those parts please sit in the front two rows, and we will call you up. Everyone else just sit where you please. Alright let's start!" Lin said.
He was so giddy today. It's kinda pissing me off. I was on the stage setting up the turning tables while Lin talked to everyone in the audience.

We weren't going to be using the turn tables in the auditions, but it's nice to know that they work.

The theater was huge. The stage lights were on, honestly it was kind of blinding me.
"Alright Y/N you ready!" Lin spoke through the microphone.
"Yeah, all good." I jumped down from the stage and we started the auditions.
I could barely focus. I knew Daveed was here, though I haven't actually seen him yet. I don't know why I'm always thinking about him. It's quite annoying actually.

We got through the Peggy auditions, and next we were doing King George. I loved King George's character. He was so sassy and fun. Watching people audition for him in character was very entertaining.
After we got through King George, it was Aaron Burr. We had them sing 'The Room Where it Happens'.

Lin wanted them to sing 'Wait for it' but it was too easy. I wanted to really see Aaron Burr, and 'Wait For It' really didn't show him.
After Aaron burr it was Philip and Laurens. I knew Anthony was going to be here since we called him back.

He really was perfect for the role. I was for sure he would get it.
For Philip we had them sing 'Blow us all Away' and once again, Anthony was amazing. He acting and voice were a perfect match for the role!

Next was Thomas Jefferson and Lafayette.
For Jefferson everyone sung 'What'd I Miss' and for Lafayette they sung 'Guns and ships'
We watched all the auditions when eventually Lin called out Daveed's name. My head shot up and I smiled. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he was wearing a plain light pink shirt and jeans.
"Hey!" He said with his effortlessly attractive smile. He still seemed just as nervous as the first audition.
"Hi! Would you like to start with 'Guns and Ships' or 'What'd I Miss'?"
"I'm gonna start with 'Guns and Ships'." He smiled at me, and I was smiling back. I think Lin noticed because her cleared his throat and nudged my side.
"Alright! Whenever you're ready."
Just like the first time, when he was rapping all of his nerves disappeared. I was staring at him. Not in a creepy way, but just admiring him. His French accent actually wasn't bad. When he finished we started playing 'What'd I Miss'
This was the first time seeing him act as Jefferson, and it was so attractive for absolutely no reason.
"Virginia my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss"
He blow a kiss towards me and winked. It made me blush more than it should've and Lin definitely noticed. But honestly I didn't care. When Daveed was done, we went on with Eliza, Angelica, George Washington, James Reynolds, Hercules Mulligan, Samuel Seabury, ect.

At the end of the auditions, Lin and I went back stage to discuss who we were going to cast. We were back there for about 25 minutes. Anthony was an easy decision for both of us. He had really stood out, and he seemed really dedicated.

Christopher Jackson was a super easy decision for me. He had such a beautiful voice.
Everyone who auditioned for Washington sang 'One Last Time' and he sang it beautifully.

"I think Diggs is perfect for Lafayette and Jefferson." I said
"I agree, but are you saying that because you genuinely think so, or because you like him." He looked right at me while saying that.
I was dumbfounded. I didn't expect him to say that. He seemed mad about it.

"Okay 1. I don't like him. I've met him twice for auditions thats it. 2. He is perfect for the role, he has tons of energy and portrays the characters well."
" Agreed. But you're not allowed to date him!"
"Lin-Manuel Miranda I don't even know him! And who are you to tell me who to date!"
"Im your older brother, you're not allowed to date until you're 60" he said unnecessarily sternly.

I just stared at him for a few seconds.
"1. We're twins. 2. Can we just drop this conversation and go announce who got cast!" I said. I did not want to continue this conversation.
"Fine. But we will pick this up later" he said and walked on stage, me following behind him.
"Alright everyone. If I call your name I want you to come stand on stage with me and Lin. First we will be announcing the main roles!" I said excitedly.
I caught Daveed's eye, he was sitting in the front row.
I continued:
"Before I start off I would like to say that everyone did a great job today. And it was a really difficult decision to make who would be in the original cast."
I looked back at Daveed for a split second, and we both smiled at each other.
"But regardless of all that, we have decided to cast:
Anthony Ramos as Philip Hamilton and John Lauren's.
Jasmine Jones as Maria Reynolds and Peggy. Philipa Soo as Eliza...
As I was reading off the list of names they we're making their way onto stage.
"Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr.
Renee Goldsberry as Angelica.
And last but not least Daveed Diggs as Lafayette and Jefferson!"

Everyone applauded and Daveed was the last one on stage.
Lin read off the names of the understudies, as they made their way on the stage as well.
We soon dismissed everyone while the cast, Lin and I all went backstage and showed everyone their dressing rooms!

A/N: hey! This was a longer chapter. I may right another one tonight but idk bc my first day of school is tomorrow so I have to get ready! What'd y'all think, remember brutal honesty!!!

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