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I woke up on Pippas couch and saw a note on the coffee table in front of me.

"Left for rehearsal, make yourself at home. Stay as long as you need."


I didn't want to stay long. I needed to cut it off with Daveed. I'm distracting him from his work. Lin is right i'm just ruining it and this shouldn't have happened in the first place.

I texted pippa and left after cleaning up a little.

I drove to Daveeds apartment and got in with the key under the fake rock.

I walked in and sat on the couch trying to come up with the right thing to say. I didn't know if there was a right thing to say. I didn't want to cut things off, but I wanted to make Lin happy. Daveed is too good for me, he deserves better.

So I waited, and waited, and waited, until 8:30 when I heard the door unlock and I saw Daveed walk in.

I stood up from the couch and waited for him to see me, and when he did his face lit up and he ran over and hugged me. and I hugged back.

"I was so worried about you-"

"Daveed." I said while pulling away.

"We need to stop." I said, I already felt myself tearing up.


"We can't keep doing this stupid secret semi relationship shit; frankly it's annoying. We need to stop-" I said feeling my emotions build up.

"Okay stop. Take a deep breath. Where is this coming from? Is this about Lin?" he said while grabbing the side of my arms and rubbing them gently.

"No stop." I said while slapping his hands away.

"Y/N. Look at me." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards him.

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me that you want to stop this." I knew I couldn't, because I didn't want to end this.

I wanted to be with Daveed. I didn't care what anyone else thought, he made me happy and that's all that should've mattered.

"Y/N, I am not losing you. I knew from the second I met you that there was something there, a spark between us. So i'll be damned if I let you walk away from me because Y/N I love you. You don't have to say it back, and I know it's moving fast but I can't help how I feel. I will not let Lin take you away from me."

Then it felt as if time froze. Everything stopped.

Love is possibly the most complicated emotion. Love is light and happiness but it's also sorrowful and painful. Love is something so unpredictable, so unforeseeable, it can either be the most beautiful feeling or the most painful feeling a person can experience. Love is a lot of things, safe isn't one of them.

"You love me?"

"Yes. That's why I'm not letting you leave me." He said while pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms were around my waist.

"I love you too." I said into his chest and I felt his grip around me tighten and I heard him take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I said

"Shhh. You don't need to be sorry. Do you want to talk about what happened with Lin?"

"Not Really." I said.

"Okay, that's fine."

A few minutes later we were cuddling in his bed and I was in his sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Lin fired me." I said randomly.

"Oh, why?"

"Because he didn't want anything to happen between me and you and then cause tension between everyone."

"Oh. So that's why you asked me to drive you home?"


He then pulled me closer to his chest and started running his hands through my hair.

"You're pretty." I said to him.

"And you, my darling, are beautiful." He responded and kissed the back of my head.

We weren't going to sleep since Daveed didn't have work the next day. So we just stayed up talking about everything and nothing.

And then I heard my phone buzz.

Shocker. It was Lin.

Lin: where are you?

I shut my phone off and continued talking with daveed.

"Did you know that elephants think humans are adorable."
He said

"I did not." I responded. Followed by silence.

"That was very random." I told him.

After more talking we put on a movie and eventually we both fell asleep.


A/N: last chapter of the night. Bye bye.

Little Miranda  Daveed DiggsxReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora