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I woke up in Daveed's bed, but Daveed wasn't on the side of me. He wasn't holding me or rubbing my back. He was just gone.

I got out of bed even though my body fought me on it, and went out to the kitchen where I found Daveed on his phone.

"Why'd you get up?" I said while stretching and walking into his arms.

"It's 12:00 o'clock." He said while laughing and wrapping him arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck.

"Oh shit really?" I turned around to the clock on the stove and realized it was in fact 12:00 o'clock.

"Yeah. I tried waking you up, but then I saw how adorable you look when you sleep and I couldn't wake you up" he said

"Alright alright I get it." I said while walking over to the counter.

"Wait." He said from behind me.


"I need a hug."

I looked around confused.

"I just gave you a hug."

"Yes but I need another one."

"Daveed. What did you do?" I said while scolding him.

"Just give me a hug." He said while walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"I told Lin that you were here." And then his grip on me tightened and I froze.

"What?" I said while standing up completely straight and trying to pull out of his arms. I couldn't.

"He wouldn't stop texting me. He's worried, I think you should go home and talk to him." He said into my ear trying to calm me down.

"Daveed, that's not your decision to make." I said while forcefully pulling out of his arms.

"Y/N, siblings fight. Lin loves you, he's just passionate about this and made an irrational decision."  He said while looking at me.

"Are you seriously taking his side? Daveed, it's not just the fight. I lost my job over this. Lin is beyond pissed. And I can't even go home to see Sebastian because Lin will be there waiting for me." I yelled back.

"Okay okay, take a deep breat-"

"Fuck you." I said while pushing past him and taking my car keys off of the counter in the process.

Soon enough I was out of his apartment and back in my car.


I drove around a few blocks since I didn't technically have anywhere to go.

I could go to Leslie's but he'd end up telling Lin. Same with the rest of the cast.

Nora. (A/N: if you don't remember Nora go back to the chapter titled: driving)

I didn't need to text or call her, I just had go pray that she was home. I knew where she lived, and she wouldn't mind if I went over for a little bit.

So I started driving, In silence.

Then I pulled up to the front of her apartment complex and went to apartment 13. And I knocked on the door.

And my best friend answered. With her brown hair and deep brown eyes that widened as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Shut up! I didn't know you were coming here! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!!! Do you mind if I stay here for a little while?" I asked prayed she'd she yes.

"Yeah of course, why is everything okay?"

"Yeah I'll explain later. Let's just catch up for now though."

We walked into the house and I didn't realize my phone had been blowing up with texts from Daveed in my back pocket.


A/N: short chapter. Hoped you enjoyed.

Little Miranda  Daveed DiggsxReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя