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Danielle's POV:

Me and Victoria have just arrived home after our day and it was amazing, we get along so well. When we enter we see Stefania and her dad sitting in the livingroom.

"Ciao girls, how was your day?" Ricardo asks

"It was amazing, we went shopping, had some lunch, took a little walk and just chatted it was so fun" Victoria says as she placed down her bags and sits on the couch.

"Did you have fun bambina?" Stefania asks looking up at me.

"Yeah it was so fun. But I missed you" I say with a pout as I sit on her lap.

"I missed you too baby" she says kissing the side of my head allowing me to cuddle into her.

"Right so we have a couple hours until we are going to the restaurant, Antonio is going to meet us there with the twins as he leaves tomorrow to go get packed up" Ricardo informs us.

"Perfect, I'm going to head into the shower" Victoria says jumping up and heading upstairs.

"Bella why don't we go upstairs and we can call Barrett and jaina see if we can see Jeff?" Stefania asks.

"Good idea" I say exitedly.

Stef helps carry my bags upstairs to her room before we both sit down on the bed, her behind with me in between her legs laying on her chest. I call Barrett and we wait for it to answer.

"Hello chicas" Jaina says answering the phone.

"Hello bella, where's my girl" Stefania says.

"Uhhh, our girl" I say raising my eyebrows causing Stef and Jaina both to laugh.

"She's here" Jaina says turning the camera we're we see Jeff wagging her tail.

"Oh hello baby girl, me and mamma miss you" I say into the camera.

"Is she been good?" Stefania asks.

"She's been amazing" we hear Barrett's voice in the background.

"Yeah she's been so good, but she's getting so exited hearing your voices" Jaina says laughing.

"Aww I miss her. Anyways what yous been up too?" I question them as Barrett walks over to sit beside Jaina.

"Umm we umm, nothing really. Just been chilling with Jeff" Jaina says as her face goes red.

"Okay what are you hiding from me?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Nothing, Literally nothing" Barrett answered back quickly.

"Hmm you girls are weird. There definitely something your not saying" Stefania says.

"Nope everything's just normal. Anyways we gotta go a few people are coming around from the cast and we need to get ready" Jaina says.

"Okay tell them we miss them" I say and Stefania agrees.

"We will bye" they say hanging up.

"That was strange... right?" I ask turning around to face Stef.

"Definitely" she says nodding. "But whatever it is they will tell us eventually" she adds and I agree.

"So what did you do today" I ask twisting around to face her but still staying in her embrace.

"Me and my papa went to this arcade place he use to take me to when I was a kid, and then we grabbed some ice cream and just strolled around the town" she says with a big smile.

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