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Danielle POV:
(Later on Wednesday)

Today had been an okay day, we shot some scenes of episode 3 when Maya gets told she's captain. It was only 6 when I went home for the day after picking up some take out and popped down on the couch and stuck on some random TV show.

While I was eating my food I heard a buzz on my phone. When I looked it, it was an unknown number. Hmm strange.

Unknown: hey Bella, it's me Stefania <3

^omg it's her and she put a heart!! I gotta learn what bella means in Italian^

Danielle: hey gorgeous!! How are you?

Stefania: I'm good I just got home from filming and I was bored so I decided to text you :)  how are you?

Danielle: I'm good I'm not long in from filming just stuffing my face my some chicken noodles :)

Stefania: ohhh yum I'm starving, I'm cuddling up on my sofa with  jeff ;)

^I wish It was me you were cuddling. And who the hell is jeff?^

Danielle: jealous I'm all alone :(

Stefania's POV:

She just said she was jealous. She probably thinks Jeff is a boy and not a dog. Ohh I could play along with this. I might not know her that well but I feel like we have this strong flirty connection I could feel it today when we were looking at each other. She probably doesn't even like girls. That's what I think to myself.

Stefania: Jeff is the best at cuddles, but I'm sure your cuddles would be nice too ;)

Danielle's POV:

Does that mean she also wants to cuddle me instead of 'Jeff' who I still need to find out who this guy is. Hopefully her nephew or gay best friend or something like that and not a boyfriend.

Danielle: my cuddles are awesome but
you gotta be special to get them :)

Stefania: and how do I become special?

^omg what do I do now what do I do now^

Danielle: hmm I don't think Jeff would
like it if your trying to cuddle me...

Stefania's POV:

I finally got her to crack she wants to know who Jeff is she just isn't asking me, this is hilarious okay I know what I'm gonna do now

"Jeff baby we gonna send a cute photo of you cuddling on me to Danielle and show her your just my baby girl I think that's a good idea" I say to Jeff who lays back looking at me

Stefania: *image sent* me and Jeff :)

That's got to do the job.

Danielle POV:

She's sent me a photo I'm scared to open it. Okay I can do this.

Stefania: me and Jeff :)

You are kidding me Jeff is a dog

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You are kidding me Jeff is a dog. Her dog. Omg I knew she had a dog why didn't I think of this I feel so stupid.

Danielle: could of told me Jeff
was your dog...

Stefania: oops I forgot :)

She totally done that to mess with me, wow this girl really is driving me crazy and I've not even known her for a day. I look at the time and see that it's just after 7pm.

Danielle: whatever you say :) also on Friday I'm having a few people from station 19 come over for a few drinks and your welcome to join.

Stefania: i'd love to come, I gotta go walk Jeff now, talk to you later ciao Bella :) 

Danielle: *address* for Friday. Can't wait!! Speak to you soon :)

After I messaged her I decided to go on Instagram again, I went back onto her page and thought to myself.

^i can follow her now, it won't be weird I mean we've met we've had a kinda flirty conversation through text I would say we are friends so I'm gonna do it^

Done. I followed her okay I'm done. I turned off my phone and decided to hop in the shower to wash off today.

Stefania's POV:

It's still a little light out, the suns setting tho so I'm just taking Jeff on a little walk and then I'll let her run around the garden before bed.

"Jeff, bambina come on walk time" I say standing up from the sofa grabbing her leash.

Once I've attached her leash to her collar I stick on my boots and head out for a walk around the neighbourhood.

I stop down at the little patch of grass at the bottom of my street so Jeff can do her business. I pull out my phone and go onto Instagram and I notice that Danielle has followed me how cute. I of course followed her back and began scrolling through her page and wow she's magnificent. There's a photo she posted just a few months ago where she's standing in a pool with her back to the camera. Damn her ass looks good. Okay I gotta stop. I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket.

"Jeff come on now girl home time" I say to Jeff who runs back to me easily.

I clip Jeff back on her leash and begin the short journey home. My mind still filled with the beautiful blonde.

Author note: okay this one is a little bit shorter but it was just to grow there bond.

If you have any ideas leave them in the comments it will be helpful.

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