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Thursday, 30th January 1992

The twins and Damon were in an empty classroom doing their Arithmancy test, with Madame Maxime invigilating them. Atlas was stressing out as he couldn't figure out the problems. Damon was slowly doing the test as he recalled his notes, well, Athena's notes. Athena was calm and doing the examination effortlessly.

Fleur was trying to find where Athena was. Athena didn't tell her that she had a test right after their classes. The twins and Nicholas were nowhere to be found. Finally, Nicholas found a stressed-out Fleur while he was stalking the hallways. He informed her that they had an Arithmancy test that they needed to do.

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"Probably thought it wasn't important and that maybe you would want to hang out with your girlfriend. Anyway, I gotta go."

Fleur's eyes widened as she had forgotten that she didn't tell Athena that she had a lover. Maybe that's why Athena hasn't been talking to her. It must have sucked for Athena to find out from someone else.

"Merde." Fleur cursed under her breath as she headed to her apartment. Fleur was trying to find ways to apologise to Athena. However, she thought that the apology should be simple and not extravagant. After all, it is her love life; Athena wouldn't care so much. Right?

She is so wrong.


As soon as Athena entered her apartment, she went to her bed and immediately deflated onto her bed. She was exhausted. The test was challenging but manageable for her. She stayed awake in most of her classes since Fleur wasn't with her, which irritated her way more than it should. Atlas woke up Athena for the past week. She had to memorise her schedule now. She depended on Fleur way too much when she was here. Merlin, what did the Veela do to her?

She washed up and decided to go through her notes for the subsequent few tests. Athena stayed in her apartment for the rest of the day. All she did was study, relax, and not bother going for the dinner feast. The reasons were that she exhausted herself and did not want to see Fleur and her lover.

It was annoying her way too much.


Atlas and Nicholas were on their way towards the dining hall. They saw Fleur and her girlfriend as well as her friends. Danielle was rooting hard for Athena and Fleur, so she wasn't exactly a bit fan of what was happening. But her best friend is happy, so what right does she have to say no to that.

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