I Will Survive

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Solace walks up to Callie in the ER, seeing her holding Sofia, "Oh, little baby!"

"Isn't she just the cutest." Callie coo's.

Solace looks up to Mark, "Did you get bored while on baby duty?"

"So bored." He confesses, making Solace laugh, "I needed some adult contact."

"Please take this baby away from me." Callie tells him. "I'm serious. Take her, Mark."

"She means physically pry Sofia from her hands." Solace provides.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. This baby's crack. She's a crack baby." Callie coo's still holding Sofia.

"You shouldn't call her that."

"Don't say that in public."
Mark and Solace say at the same time.

"Torres," Hunt calls out, "You're in luck. Motorcycle crash 20 minutes out."

"Yes. Okay." She looks to Mark, who takes Sofia. Callie looks to Solace, "Let's go before I decide to just go home with my baby."

"That would definitely be bad for the motorcycle guy." Solace comments.

Callie looks over to her resident for the day, "When's your interview with Hunt?"

"After lunch." Solace answers, "I'm not too worried about it."

"You that confident you'll get it, or that confident you won't?" Callie questions.

Solace gives her a look, "It's not that I'm overly confident. I just know my competition, and even if someone is better at a surgery than I am or has a cool clinical trial, I'm smart. And capable. And every attending enjoy's me on their service because I'm good at my job and I'm good with people." Solace shrugs, "Plus, I'm the only resident that has never gotten in trouble."

"Huh." Callie nods, "I'd give you the job for that."

Solace smiles, "That's what I'm counting on."


"Okay, answer me this," Hunt starts, sitting across the table from Solace in the conference room, "You have a capable surgeon, that isn't interested in clinical trials or rewards or research. How can they show initiative if they are only doing surgery?"

Solace raises a brow, "You mean how can they show initiative when their only doing their job?"

Hunt sighs, "You don't go after trials or research. Some people might look at that as if you're afraid to fail or you don't care about advancing medicine."

"Did you know only 9% of drugs that enter phase 1 of a clinical trial make it to market?" Solace asks.

"I don't see how thats relevant." Hunt tells her.

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