Chapter 47- Rescue

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Sitting alone in the cell you were starting to feel better about everything, your father, friends and the boy you lo,,,I mean the guy you liked very, very much were here to rescue you from this hell hole.

Your tail was furiously wagging behind you, the excitement building at the thought of being reunited with everyone.

'Hey dumbass,' Bakugo's voice interrupted your thoughts. 'Get away from the window and find cover somewhere.'

You roll your eyes and look around the room for some sort of shield or barrier, there wasn't much in the room that you could use but you guessed that the bed would have to do.

You flipped the bed on it's side and push it into the corner, hopping behind it you link in with Bakugo again. 'I'm ready my knight in shining armour.'

Moments later there was a loud bang, bricks and debris flew every direction. When you raised your head from behind your makeshift barricade you spot a massive hole where the wall once stood.

Your excitement was short lived because the door to your cell swung open and there stood the doctor, some of the guards and three huge Nomu.

The doctor looked around the room shocked at first but then his eyes land on you. "Don't let the girl escape. Kill the rest." He turned and walked away leaving the Nomu and the guards behind.

You leapt over the bed and run towards the hole that had been blown into the wall. You hadn't even made it half way when you felt a large hand grab your tail causing you to let out a yelp of surprise and pain.

Before you knew it you were in the clutches of one of the Nomu, you tried clawing and biting the beast but to no avail. You tried to change into your full wolf form but your head was starting to go foggy, the Nomu's grip so tight it was hard to breath.

As you gasped for breath you hear two very familiar growls before the Nomu loosened it's grip and screeched in pain.

You saw Bakugo and your dads huge wolf tearing into the Nomu who had been crushing your lungs but you never hit the floor. Instead you were floating away. "What's,,, wait,,,"

"Don't worry kid, I got you." You were carried away on the vermilion feathers of the number two hero. You passed out as you were carried away from the fight the last thing you saw was Hawks golden eyes and cheeky smirk.

****Time Skip****

You woke to an all too familiar beeping, your eyes flutter open and you freak out, 'Shit it was all a dream, they never came to get me.'

You shoot up in the bed, panic running through your veins you look around the room recognising so many of the bits of equipment and machines but at the same time thinking it was different.

Your head was spinning and you were finding it hard to concentrate.

"Hey, hey dumbass, calm down." Bakugo held you close to his chest. "It's okay babe I've got you."

It takes a moment for you to understand what was really happening and to calm your nerves. You press your face into his chest, inhaling his familiar scent when his hand rested on your head.

"Oh sweetie you're awake." Your mothers voice was high and there was still a trace of worry.

You loosen your grip on the boy in front of you to look around and see the worried faces of your parents. You leap out of the bed and try to run to them but your legs were weak so you crumpled to the floor.

Your parents rushed towards you and so did Bakugo but all you could do was laugh, you were so happy to be out of that horrible nightmare you didn't care that you looked like a crazy mess.

Your mother hugged you while your dad and Bakugo stood there glaring at each other but when they looked at you and your mother cuddling on the floor their eyes soften.

"Ahem." Everyones eyes went to the door where a doctor was standing awkwardly. "Sorry to interrupt but we do need to discuss the results of our findings."

You mother helped you to your feet and back to the bed where she sat beside you. Your father stood at the end of the bed and Bakugo went to leave.

"Katsuki? Where are you going?" You pat a spot on the bed beside you.

He struggles in the doorway for a moment when your father growled at him, "Hurry up and sit down boy."

Bakugo mumbles something under his breath but stomps over to the bed and plants himself beside you crossing his arms. You giggle at his pouty face and place a hand on his thigh.

The four of you listened intently to what the doctor had to say, they explained how your quirk had changed and and the ratio between human and wolf DNA had changed.

This change was why you couldn't hide your wolf features and that it may have other affects on the other aspects of your wolf side.

"So the short of it is that we would like to monitor you for a bit longer." The doctor finished.

"No fucking way, I'm not staying in a hospital any longer." You shake your head and go to get up from the bed to leave.

Your mother puts a hand on your shoulder to make you sit back down, "Sweetie, It will be fine."

You look at your mother hurt, she didn't understand what you had gone through, she didn't know what it was like. "I can't go through that again."

This time it was your dad that spoke, "We'll monitor her at home and report back any differences we notice."

After a bit more discussion it was finally decided that you would be monitored at home for the next two weeks and a doctor or nurse would call round every few days to check in on you.

The doctor then asked to speak to your parents outside, your mother kissed the top of your head before leaving you and Bakugo alone.

You lean into him, your tail wagging happily behind you. "Thank you for saving me." You whispered.

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon