Chapter 62- Christmas Party

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When you finally found Katsuki he had loads of questions,,, What did you say to Shitty Hair? Was it about me? Where did you go? What took you so long? He was so annoying that you threatened to share the mental image of the pictures his mother had shown you that time to everyone in the school.

He didn't like the threat and ended up chasing you from the common area screaming bloody murder until he finally caught you. "Fine ,,fine you got me, I was offering to help him with Mina's Christmas present."

He squinted at you and you got the feeling he didn't really believe you but he gave up on the subject anyway.

*****Time Skip*****

The days flew by and the end of term was upon you in no time. You had just barely managed to get all your shopping done and you were now in your room wrapping the last of your purchases when the bedroom door opened.

You look around and see Katsuki entering the room, you panic as you were currently wrapping his present. "Ahhh, no get out,,,have you never heard of knocking you jerk!" You run over and shove him out of your room hoping he hadn't seen.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He growled as you slammed the door in his face.

"Sorry babe you can't come in yet." You locked the door and rush back to finish wrapping the bits you had got him. Once it was all wrapped up you let out a sigh. You were about to let him in but decided to hid his gift in your closet so he couldn't find it.

You then unlocked the door and grin at the grump on the other side. He glared at you and stomped into your room. "Seriously, you ask me to come over and then you lock me out. What is wrong with you?"

He started to rummage around the room, you roll your eyes, knowing too well he was searching for the gift you had been wrapping.

You shake your head and grab his hand, "Come on,,," You drag him from the room. "Lets go see if they need help setting up for the party." You knew damn well you'd get no peace if you stayed in your room.

He eyed up your closet and was heading over to root through it but when you growled at him he clicked his tongue and pouted as he followed you to the common area.

Everyone was busy decorating the room and huge Christmas tree for the party tonight. Denki was playing with the fairy lights, Sato was baking up a storm in the kitchen and Mina was running around with a pile of festive clothes.

You look around in awe at how magical the room looked when you heard Katsuki growl behind you. Turning around you spot Mina had made her way over and was now trying to force Katsuki into a Christmas outfit.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU PINK FREAK." Katsuki yelled as he pushed the girl away from him.

She ignored his protests and continued to fight the angry blonde. "Come on, Eri wants us all to match again, you have to do it. Y/N tell him he has to."

You were laughing at the commotion when Iida came over with a Christmas outfit for you too. "Here Y/N, this one is yours if you'd like to go change." You thanked him and ran back to your room to quickly change.

"Oh so cute,,," You grin as you look your self over, the skirt and matching jacket were cute but your favourite part was the little crescent moon on the hat.

When you got back to the common room you spot Katsuki sulking on the sofa dressed in his Christmas outfit. "Awe babe cheer up you look great." You lean in and kiss his cheek, he grumbled and swatted you away.

It wasn't long before the front door opened and a small girl with silvery hair entered the room followed closely by Mr Aizawa. The raven haired man knelt down to the girl. "Right Eri, you be good and have fun. I'll be back in a while to bring you home again."

The small girl beamed up at your teacher and nodded before running over to greet Midoriya. "Hi Deku, Happy Christmas."

Most of the class rushed over to greet the cute little newcomer and before long the music was bopping and everyone was having fun, eating, laughing and dancing.

An hour or so had passed you were talking with Momo and Todoroki when you heard Katsuki, "Hey Brat what's up?" You turn to see he was bent down to talk to Eri.

The little girl didn't shy away from him at all and actually gave Katsuki a huge smile before replying. "Hi Kacchan," He rolled his eyes and growled at the nickname. "I,,,um,,, I,,wanted to,,," She blushed when she saw you looking their way.

She swallowed deeply and began to fidget with her hair. "Um,,, could I touch your tail, please?"

Your heart melted when this cutie looked up at you with those big red eyes.

"Oh, how could I saw no to a sweetie like you?" You sit down next to her and let her stroke your tail.

"Sooo soft," Eri cooed as she stroked your tail. "Hey Ms kitty come dance with me." Eri left your tail and grabbed your hand dragging you to the dance floor.

You giggle and let the little girl drag you along. You didn't see the point of correcting her when she referred to you as a cat, this sweet little girl could call you what she wanted at this stage you were putty in her hands.

You danced together for ages before Iida called for everyones attention. "Okay, thank you, It is now time for us to exchange our Secret Santa gifts." He stood beside the pile of gifts waving for everyone to join him.

It was a lot of fun watching to see what everyone got. There was some normal gifts like hampers of sweets, stuffed toys and cosy socks and then there were the odd ones like anime weapons and hot sauce(wonder who bought that!)

You were lucky and got a cute stuffed animal, it was a black cat with big yellow eyes but when you look to see what Eri had got you saw she had ended up with the super spicy hot sauce, you glare at Katsuki, how could he think that was a suitable gift for anyone.

"Hey Eri," The little girl was looking at the bottle a bit confused. "Would you like to swap?" She looked at the toy, then at the bottle then back to you.

"Umm, are you sure?" Her eyes lit up as she looked at the stuffed cat toy.

You nod "I have a stuffy like this already,,," You lied and handed her the plushy. The little girl buried her face into the toys soft fur. "Thank you Y/N, I can't wait to show papa." She gave you the biggest brightest smile ever.

Once everyone had their gifts Sato brought out a big cake covered in white frosting for all to enjoy. You sat on the couch with Eri in your lap as you licked your plate clean.

When Eri had finished her cake she yawned and lay her head on your lap.

Obviously the fun and games was too much for the little girl and she was getting sleepy.

You ran your fingers through her long silver hair as she snoozed on your lap. You smile at the sweet child and growled at anyone who made too much noise or got too close.

When Mr Aizawa eventually returned to collect Eri you reluctantly let her go. She woke when Mr Aizawa lifted her from your lap and with a sleepy voice she said good night to everyone.

As they got to the door you could hear Eri tell the sleep deprived man. "Look papa, look what Ms kitty gave me." You saw Mr Aizawa smile at the sleepy child in his arms before they were completely out of site.

'Awe who knew he was such a softy.' You smiled to yourself.

***Author Note***

So sorry about these chapters. I find it hard to be all Christmasy and festive in the summer but wanted to keep to the timeline.

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