Chapter 4- Locker Room

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You and Mina had arrived just in time to see Bakugo being restrained by Mr Aizawa's binding scarf, still struggling to get at his friends who just laughed it off and went to their seats. 

You entered the classroom and took your seats before Mr Aizawa came in with an agitated Bakugo stomping in behind him. Bakugo heads to the desk right in front of yours, he averts his eyes when he sees you but you swear you saw a faint blush on his cheeks. 

Once everyone was seated Mr Aizawa announced that the evening would be spent training and explained that everyone would be paired off in groups of three and would need to work together to defeat the other groups. After that everyone was dismissed to change into their hero costumes.

*****In the girls locker room*****

You and the girls were all giggling while getting changed, you looked around at everyones costumes. 

Mina's colourful jumpsuit suited her personality, Jiro looked punk in her leather jacket , Asui's green outfit matched her hair and wow you didn't expect prim and proper Momo to have such a revealing costume. Then you realise all Toru had on was gloves and her boots, now thats what I call brave.

"Come on Y/N lets see your costume." The cheery pink cheeked girl, Uraraka, was looking up at you in her spacey black and pink outfit.

"Oh, um it's nothing special." You grab your costume out of the bag and start getting dressed.

Because you could transform into a wolf part way or completely your costume had to have certain features. Your hair was woven into the material so when you fully transformed it would too (kinda like how Lemillon's costume worked). 

But you could also just half transform which would just give you some wolf like features like claws and fangs and of course a tail and ears, with this in mind your skirt was short and the shorts below were low rise to accommodate your tail. 

You didn't wear shoes so when you fully transform your paws wouldn't be confined. You wore a sleeveless halter top that hugged your body and fingerless gloves that came up to your elbows. You didn't like flashy colours, being a wolf you thought it better to just blend in so your costume was primarily black with purple trim and a small paw print detail on your chest and shorts.

(Idea of what the costume looks like)

"Damn girl you look hot!" Mina exclaimed once you were fully dressed and pulling your hair up into a ponytail

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"Damn girl you look hot!" Mina exclaimed once you were fully dressed and pulling your hair up into a ponytail.

You feel your cheeks heat up at the pink girls declaration. "I wasn't really going for hot, this is just easier to move around in and ,,,"

"LOL girl don't worry about it I get you, it works for your quirk but still damn the boys will be drooling when they see you." Mina nudged you in the ribs as you all go to leave the locker room.

"So Y/N whats your hero name? Mine is Creati." Momo said with a smile.

All the girls where looking at you now telling you there own hero names, Uraraka: Uravity, Mina: Pinky, Jiro: Earphone Jack, Toru: Invisible Girl and Asui: Froppy.

"Well since I'm a wolf and all I just kept it simple and went with She-Wolf, I had considered Nightstalker before but thought it sounded a bit too pervy" You laugh and rub the back of your neck as the other girls laughed too. 

You all enter the training grounds laughing together and sure enough you could see some of the boys ogling you and the girls, Mineta being his usual pervy self was the worst. 

You join the boys, staying as far from Mineta as possible, you went to the far side of the group with Mina who nudged your ribs and pointed over your shoulder making you look. There a little to your left was Bakugo and,,, was he checking you out? 

No he couldn't be, he then looked up and when he realised you were looking his way he quickly turned his gaze elsewhere. What the hell was going on? 

You feel the heat build in your cheeks again as Mina giggled beside you. You shove the girl gently and begin to give out to her for making fun of you when Mr Aizawa and All Might walk in.

"Oh my god it's All Might." I had never met him before but even in Europe he was famous so I was so excited I hadn't realised my tail had popped out and was wagging happily at the site of the retired hero(total fangirl moment).

I was shocked back to reality when someone grabbed my tail from behind making me yelp at the unexpected contact and spin around. There behind me was a very surprised Midoryia.

"S-sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to I was just so fascinated by the sudden appearance of your tail and ears I couldn't help myself." His face had turned the deepest shade of red as he bowed and apologised.

"It's fine but you shouldn't touch a girls tail without asking first." I mumble while holding my tail close to me.

"Quite down everyone," Mr Aizawa called for everyones attention. "You'll each be choosing a token from this box the number on the token is the team you'll be on. Then once all the teams are decided All Might will pick to tokens from this bag and those will be the first teams to face off against each other." He held up a small black box and red draw string bag.

Everyone took turns going up to pick a number from the box, you wouldn't know who was on your team till everyone had a token.  

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now