Chapter 46 - Lost and Found

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After another long day of experiments you were back in your usual cell exhausted. You stretch your stiff limbs and flop onto the bed, leaning against the wall you close your eyes.

You sat there in silence waiting for your usual evening meal to arrive when you heard a sad howl on the night air. You ears perk up at the sound and your eyes shoot open. You recognise the howl as you had heard many times.

"Dad!" You whisper to yourself as you look to the small window high on the back wall. Like always when you return from the lab the window was open, you guess for fresh air to help wake you up after being sedated.

You were happy for the cold breeze for the first time since this whole ordeal started. You knew he was close but not sure how close, you raise your head and howl back.

You wait and hold your breath to see if you get a response and keep your fingers crossed that your captures don't figure out whats going on. A few minutes passed and there was no reply so you howled again.

This time there was an answer, it was still a little ways off but it was there so it raised your spirits. Your tail was wagging happily until you heard the latch on the door open, "Quit that racket you mangy mutt,,," The guard grumbled and shoved your meal in.

You growl at the insult but take the meal and instead of responding to the howl you search the area for with your telepathy in the hopes of linking in with your dad.

****Meanwhile Outside****

A loan wolf howl could be heard on the evening air, Bakugo landed on the roof of one of the abandoned buildings looking around to find the source of the howl.

Was it a signal from Y/N's old man? Did he find something? Bakugo was about to launch himself in the direction of the howl when another howl came from the other direction.

He spun on the spot and looked for the source of the second howl, "Was that Y/N?" He ran towards the howl, she was near. There was another howl again which urged hm to move faster.

'Katsuki?' Bakugo nearly fell off the roof when he heard Y/N's voice shouting in his head.

'Babe? Where are you?' Bakugo tethered on the edge of the building looking in every direction, afraid to move in case he would loose the mental connection with Y/N 'I don't know, they have me locked in a room,' Y/N's mental voice trailed off for a bit. 'There is nothing outside to indicate where I am just bushes and a metal fence.'

Bakugo looked around for metal fences. 'Can you see anything else?' He shot a signal explosion into the air to get the others attention. 'Is there other buildings or any signs?'

'Nope nothing else but if Dad is with you he could track my scent or follow my howls.' With that there came another howl but he still couldn't pin point the location of it's source.

Bakugo stood there for what felt like ages before a huge black wolf appeared in the streets below. "What did you,,,," His growling voice dropped and his ears perked up. No doubt Y/N had mentally contacted him too.

Bakugo descended to the street to stand next to the huge wolf when another howl was heard in the distance.

After a few seconds of ear twitching and sniffing Moonwalker charged off, Bakugo ran after him but the huge was too fast to keep up with.

Bakugo growled in frustration that he couldn't move any faster but he couldn't use his explosions the noise would drown out Y/N's howls.

'Katsuki? Babe are you okay?' Y/N's voice echoed in his head.

He snorted in disbelief, Y/N was being held captive and she was asking him if he was okay. 'Shut up dumbass of course I'm okay, we're on our way.'

'I know you are' There was another howl, it was closer now so he knew they were going in the right direction.

It took another few minutes to find the location where they were holding Y/N. Bakugo and Moonwalker were waiting in the shadow of a near by building waiting on the others so they could make a plan to get you out.

Aizawa came out of the shadows to join Bakugo and Y/N's father followed by, "Deku, you damn nerd what are you doing here?" Bakugo growled at the broccoli boy who just landed beside the underground hero.

"Hey Kacchan, we're here to help." Midoriya moved awkwardly under the angry red glare that Bakugo was giving him.

"We're?" Bakugo's answer came in the form of Hawks, Todoroki and Kirishima. "What the fuck do you stupid fucking extras think you're doing?"

Hawks threw his arm over Bakugo's shoulders, "I heard a lovely young thing was in need of rescue so of course I had to offer my assistance."

Bakugo was fuming and felt like exploding the bird brains ass but Y/N's father beat him to it. "Listen hear feathers, you lay a hand on my daughter and you'll,,,"

"Okay, okay I was only kidding, I'm only here to help." Hawks put his hands up in defence and fluttered up onto a near by lamp post out of the reach of the two very angry heroes.

The growls from Bakugo and Y/N's father were silenced by a very angry head in their heads. 'Would you two shut up, forget the bird man and rescue me already.'

'Babe if he,,,," Bakugo heard another growl from Y/N's dad.

'Dad sush, get over it he's my boyfriend.' Y/N's voice growls in both their heads. Y/N's father flattened his ears and hung his head at his daughters angry tone. 'Now get your shit together and get me the fuck out of here.'

Everyone was looking at Y/N's dad and Bakugo, totally confused as to what was going on.

Kirishima came over hand placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "Hey Bakubro, we're here to help." Bakugo just shrugged off his hand and glared at the building Y/N was being held captive in.

"Y/N is waiting for us, she says that the guard has left so nows our chance to get her out fast." Y/N's dad said to the group at large.

Everyone looked at the man totally confused when Aizawa finally asked what they were all thinking. "You spoke to Y/N? How?"

The older man looked at the group in front of him and then at Bakugo who just rolled his eyes before Y/N's voice was in everyones head. 'Hi guys, so yeah I kinda forgot to mention before, I have a second quirk.'

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now