Chapter 82

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***Bakugo's Point of View***

Bakugo hissed and flinched as he rubbed his cheek. "Fuck, she didn't hold back on that one."

He noticed Shitty-hair's disappointed look as he entered the common room. He just shrugged it off and threw himself on a couch not interested in hearing his friend lecture him again.

He didn't need someone to tell him what he said to Y/N was stupid, he knew that himself but the words just spilled out of him.

"Nice to see even the handsome guys have troubles with the ladies." Blue balls chuckled from his spot on the other couch.

"Mineta, dude, not the time." Soy sauce face was trying to shut the little dweeb up.

Racoon Eyes was staring daggers at him as she left the room to chase after Y/N. "You probably deserved it." She spat as she passed by.

"Nope, I definitely deserved it." He sighed to himself as he touched his cheek again.


Y/N avoided him like the plague after that. She wouldn't even give him a chance to apologise. He didn't want to push her too far since the swelling from her slap had only barely gone down.

It had taken a few days but his cheek no longer stung when he touched it. "I don't remember any injuries in the past hurting so bad."

"And you won't tell me what you said to make her slap you?" Shitty-hair asked for the hundreth time.

Bakugo ignored the question again, like he did every other time and continued walking. He didn't want to listen to the red head berate him for his stupidity when he already felt like shit.

"Oh,, what's that?" Shitty-hair was pointing at a box outside Bakugo's room.

Bakugo was just as confused, as he wasn't waiting on anything. When he got closer he noticed a small note addressed to him in Y/Ns handwriting.

'I thought you should have these back.'

She didnt sign it but he'd recognise the writing anywhere. Inside the box were his shirts that Y/N stole to sleep in, some odds and ends he had left in her room and the hoodie and necklace he gave her at Christmas.

His heart dropped when he saw the necklace, he had gotten so used to her wearing it. He sighed and brought the box inside barely grunting a farewell to his friend.


**Y/Ns Point of View**

You saw red when Bakugo suggested that you'd be happy to sleep with anyone. Your body reacted on its own and before you even knew it your hand had made contact with his face.

You were fuming. If you had stayed where you were, you probably would have hit him again, so you stormed off.

You went to the gym to work off some of your anger. You were beating the crap out of a punching bag when Mina and Uraraka came running in.

"Y/N! What happened with Bakugo?" Uraraka panted as she came to a stop behind you.

"Did you see the mark she left on his face?" Mina sounded shocked. "What did he say?"

You gritted your teeth and imagined his stupid face remembering what he said as you swung a round house kick at the bag in front of you. You hit it with such force you sent the bag flying off it's chains and across the room.

The girls gasped and looked at you in awe. "That bad, huh?"

"You don't want to know." You growled as you grabbed a towel and wiped your brow.

The girls just looked at you as if to say we wouldn't be here if we didn't care. "Ugh, it's complicated." You went to retrieve the punching bag from the corner it had flown to.

The girls just waited patiently for you to continue, well Uraraka was patient but you could see Mina was about to explode.

"Fine, fine, help me hang this up and I'll tell you."

It felt weird to discuss your heats with others, only a handful of people outside your family knew about them. You swore the girls to secreticy, you knew Uraraka would keep it but you had to mentally remind Mina that your keen wolf ears had picked up on some interesting conversations between her and Kiri.

"Y/N why didn't you tell us about this before?" Uraraka was unaware of your mental conversations with Mina. "We could have helped."

You couldn't help but laugh, the idea of the sweet, innocent girl you met a year ago helping with your heats when she hadn't even managed to confess to the boy she liked. "Thank you, sweetie, but up until this year, they've never been a real issue."

You had calmed down a lot after chatting with the girls, so you felt comfortable to head back to the dorms. However, your mood dropped again when you entered the alliance building because you saw Bakugo sitting on the couch.

You notice him make a move to approach you, but he was quick to sit back down when he heard you growl.

You quickly thank the girls again and head up to shower, not wanting to spend anymore time in his presence than you had to.


You had successfully managed to avoid Bakugo over the next few days and this morning was no exception. You waited in your room till the last possible minute before leaving for class.

Last night you had packed up all his stuff that was in your room. His scent that used to bring you comfort was now just a reminder of the hurtful things he had said.

When you were sure he had left for class, you ran to his room with the box and left it there. You sighed and left, your chest tight and your mood low. You shuck off the sad feelings and dashed to class, making it only moments before Mr Aizawa.

A few months had passed and summer break was fast approaching. Mr Aizawa entered the room as tired looking as ever and stood to face the class.

"Take your seats." He waited until he had everyone's full attention. "Okay, so this is your finale year and we have so much left to cover we thought we would try another training camp."

This announcement was met with mixed emotions. So of the class were excited but most looked shocked and even a little worried.

"Don't worry, we are taking extra precautions so as not to have a repeat of your first year camp."

Mr Aizawa went on to explain how the security will be increased with more teachers and hero's taking part and that other safety protocols had been revised.

"Excuse me, Mr Aizawa." You waited until everyone had left for the next class to approach the teachers desk.

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu