Chapter 5-Picking Teams

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Everyone filed up left to right and took turns going up to pick a token from the black box that All Might now held. 

Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero and Mina had already chosen and now it was your turn. You nervously walked up and reached into the box to retrieve a token, you looked at the bright red number 7 printed on it as you turned to go back to your place. 

Once all the students had selected a token Mr Aizawa held open the draw string bag for All Might to choose the first two teams to go head to head.

"Okay so the first team up is number 4. Could everyone with a number 4 token step forward?" All Might held the token up for all to see.

Ojiro, Todoroki and Mineta took a step forward and went to one side of All Might as he reached in for the next token "And team 4 will be up against team 7."

You step forward and look to your right to see Shoji had also stepped forward you hadn't spoken to the multi armed boy yet today but he seemed nice you then look to your left and notice Bakugo was your other teammate and he was glaring at you. The three of you move to stand on the other side of All Might.

"All right both teams will be given 5 minutes to come up with a plan and then the match will begin. The first team to subdue two of the opposing team members wins." Mr Aizawa explained as he crawled into his yellow cocoon.

You turn to the boys on your team"So you guys know our opponents better than I do so whats the plan?"

"Just stay out of my way you damn extras, I'll take on that Icy-Hot bastard and you two just support by keeping the other two busy." Bakugo walked off signalling that that was all the planning he was willing to participate in.

"That's Bakugo for you,,, anyway my name is Shoji Mezo, you can just call me Shoji, we haven't officially met yet." He smiled and stretched out a hand for you to shake.

You take his hand and shake it"Hi Shoji, it's nice to meet you, you can call me Y/N. So is he always like this?" I nod towards the hothead walking away from us.

"Pretty much, but he has gotten much better since last year." Shoji starts to follow Bakugo and you take up the rear.

"Really he was worse ,hard to believe,,,so what do you excel at? I'm pretty good with stealth and close combat myself." You were trying to figure out how best to assist your team even if Bakugo didn't want the help.

"I'm more into recon myself, information gathering but I can fight too when needed." He shows that he can create eyes and ears at the ends of his limbs.

You think about who your opponents would be and shudder at the thought of having to deal with Mineta. You were about to say this to Shoji when he beat you to it.

"I'll deal with Mineta if you want to take on Tailman, Ojiro, I wouldn't expect any girl would want to deal with Grape Juice." He laughed sheepishly as he finished his comment.

"Shoji I could kiss you," A faint shade of pink flushed his barely visible cheeks. "I really didn't fancy having to deal with that perv today." You both laugh and take up your starting position near Bakugo.

You bounce on the spot to limber up, stretching your hands above your head and flexing your legs a bit. It had been a while since you fought anyone.

Bakugo was watching you from the corner of his eye. You spot him glancing your way so you smile at him with a thumbs up to show you were ready and laugh nervously. He snaps his attention back to the fake city in front of him. 

Bakugo's thoughts: She's kinda cute when she smiles, shit stop thinking stupid shit, focus, you have to beat the Icy-Hot bastard.

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