Chapter 79- Babysitting

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The room felt very empty and lonely now he was gone. You looked around spotting your clothes strewn across the room, you chuckle and decide you may as well tidy yourself and the room up a bit.

Once you were dressed you stripped the bed and used some of the blankets from yesterdays movie session to dress it again. Tossing the dirty sheets in the hamper before grabbing your plushie and heading back to your own room for shower essentials.


After your shower you didn't want to wait around on your own so you head down to the common area. It was still early so there wasn't very many people around, probably sleeping in since it's Sunday.

You grab a bowl of cereal from the kitchen and head to the couches to watch TV with Momo and Tsu. Ye were having a nice chat when the front door opened and Mr Aizawa walked in. He looked around and as soon as he spotted you he trudged over.

"Girls," He nodded to the three of you in a curt greeting. "Y/N are you doing anything today?" He looked at you with his half lidded eyes.

You look at the girls confused before turning back to respond. "No plans, we were just hanging out, why?"

"Well in that case could you look after Eri for today. I was called in last minute for a meeting on a mission and,,," You cut him off mid explanation.

"I'd love to, where is she?" You hopped up and looked around as if the small child was hiding behind him or something. You saw a trace of a smile on his tired face at your eagerness to look after her.

He explained that Present Mic was looking after her for now but he also had prior engagements for today that he couldn't get out of.

You said goodbye to the girls and dashed off to get changed advising Mr Aizawa you'd meet him outside his the teachers building in 10 minutes. You didn't even take that long to get ready a swift outfit change, the comb barely saw your hair as you tied it up into a messy bun and you were rushing out the door again.

In fact you were so quick you met Mr Aizawa as he was taking his key out to enter the teachers building. "Hey Mr Aizawa," You puffed as you came to a halt behind him. Hey just raised an eyebrow and opened the door.

Mr Aizawa explained some rules as you walked to his apartment. "You may not invite others over to my apartment, if you must meet your friends you can go to the dorms but you are not to leave the UA grounds." He gave you a stern look when he said that. "If you do go out Eri must be back before it gets dark."

The usual kind of thing really, no boys, no drinking, no smoking, no boys, stay out of my room, bed by 9pm, there was food in the fridge and Lunch rush would drop off dinner later and no boys. You smiled at how protective he was of Eri, it was so sweet you'd never guess she wasn't his biological daughter.

As Mr Aizawa opened the door you were greeted by a loud shout causing your ears to lay flat. "Hizashi! HIZASHI!" Mr Aizawa had to shout to be heard over the loud blondes singing.

Eri turned around when she heard Mr Aizawa and her eyes lit up, she dropped her mic and ran towards the door, by passing Mr Aizawa and throwing her arms around me instead.

"Ha you thought she was running to you!" Present Mic laughed at the dark haired man beside you. Mr Aizawa's eyes glowed red with a look that could kill but the blonde didn't take much notice. "Right little listeners I gotta bounce, have fun." He saluted as he left.

It wasn't long before Mr Aizawa left too, kissing Eri on the forehead before walking out the door. Now it was just the two of you and the cats, Yuki was still keeping her distance, hiding in the cat tree on the far side of the room. Yoshi on the other hand was sprawled out on the floor soaking up the sun.

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