Chapther 84 - Camp part 2

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Bakugo's Point of View

Y/N had arrived earlier, and he had to fight the urge to rush over to her like all the others. He watched as she joked and laughed with everyone, and it killed him not to be the reason for her smile.

"Come on bro," Shitty-hair nudged him forward. "Just go talk to her already. She won't bite." He laughed.

Bakugo pushed the redhead away and nodded past Y/N. "But he might." Her father was outside the dorms and staring daggers in his general direction.

Shitty-hair let out a whistle when he spotted the big man glaring at them. "If looks could kill!"

Luckily Mr Kan (Vlad King) distracted Y/N's father with a greeting and general chit chat, long enough for them to slip by but Bakugo knew he'd couldn't avoid the man for the whole week. The camp grounds weren't that big and he was going to be a supervisor here during the week after all.


Dinner was a simple curry that they made themselves. Basic but tasty and hit the spot. Once all the clean up was done everyone went their own way and done their own thing, playing games and chatting around the fire.

Bakugo scanned the crowd, spotting Y/N on the far side of the fire and her father nowhere in site. He was going to head over to try talk to her when he noticed her gaze was trained on that droopy eyed mind freak and she was smiling.

"Nothing going on my ass." He turned and stomped off towards the forest to find something to take his frustrations out on. He hadn't gotten far when an all too familiar binding cloth wrapped around him stopping him in his tracks.

"Seriously Bakugo?" Mr Aizawa's frustration was clear in his voice. "You know you're not aloud to wonder off at night. Do I have to remind you of the last time we had a training camp?"

Bakugo just rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath as Mr Aizawa released him from his bindings. "This has something do with Y/N, doesn't it?"

Bakugo avoids the tired man's gaze and question and turns his attention back to the fire where he saw that droopy eyed bastard talking to Y/N and Round Cheeks. "Damn Mind Control bastard." He muttered under his breath but Aizawa heard him all the same.

Aizawa cocked an eyebrow at the comment and followed Bakugo's gaze. "Fine, head to the office." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll be in shortly to talk about this nonsense."


Bakugo threw himself into one of the office chairs to wait for Mr Aizawa. He was cursing himself for getting his hopes up when he heard the door open. "Bout time..."

He cut himself short when he saw who had walked in the room. "What the fuck you doing here?" He growled at the purple haired bastard who stood in the doorway.

"Aizawa sent me." Droopy Eyes closed the door and made his way to another office car, the furthest one from Bakugo.

The silence was deafening for the split second it lasted. "Come to rub it in my face?" Bakugo snarled as he stomped over to the other boys seat. "Not bad enough I have to watch her ogling you outside, now this bullshit."

Droopy eyes just looked at him bewildered. "Someone was ogling me? Hmm didn't notice."

Bakugo grabbed the purple haired boy by the collar dragging him to his feet when the door opened again. "Bakugo?"

Y/N was standing in the door glaring at him with a disapproving look. "Whats wrong with you, let Shinso go." She stormed over pushing him away.

She turned on Bakugo a growl forming deep in her chest. "Seriously why are you picking a fight with Shinso?"

Bakugo stands his ground glaring straight back at her. "You know damn well why I hate the bastard."

Y/Ns tail was lashing behind her and her ears lay flat. "You can't expect me to like the guy you left me for." He snapped.

He was ready for her retort but not for what happened next. Laughter. The droopy eyed bastard was laughing, at him no doubt.

"Haha, so that's why you've been such a prick lately." The purple haired boy started towards the door. "Y/Ns not my type, no offence." He smirked over his shoulder.

Y/N smirked back. "None taken, I know you like them blonde and dumb." She playfully stuck out her tongue.

Mind Freak scoffed at the remark. "We have that in common so." He waved as he exited the room leaving them alone, clearly deciding he was no longer part of the conversation.

Bakugo had no idea what was going on, he looked from the guy who left to the girl who was holding back a laugh beside him. His heart ached to hear her laugh, he had no idea what was so funny he was too preoccupied by the fact that they were alone together for the first time in months.

"So," He hesitated for a moment until she turned her gaze on him the laugh no longer visible in her eyes. "Um, so you two were never...."

"That's what I tried to tell you but you were too fucking stubborn to listen." She huffed as she hopped up on the edge of the office desk and stared out the window at the night sky.

His heart felt lighter for the first time in ages but the happy feeling didn't last long when he remembered the horrible things he had said to her. He wanted to say sorry but his throat felt so dry and would sorry even be good enough?

The silence was driving him insane and he couldn't take it any longer. "I'M SORRY." He blurted out, it was more of a shout than he had intended. He could feel the tips of his ears burning.

Y/N finally looked at him but remained silent, her tail flicking expectantly behind her.

"Ugh, fine I was a jerk." She raised a brow. "I should have believed you when you said nothing happened..." He continued.

"Because nothing did happen." She hissed.

"Well I know that now,," He continued. "I was just,,,"

"Stubborn, pig headed, hot tempered,,," She counting the adjectives on her fingers as she listed them off. Each one felt a kick in the gut cause she was right. "An all round asshole really."

"Hey! Look you're not wrong but do you really have to rub salt in the wound? I feel like shit for saying all that crap," He took a step closer to her. "I've wanted to apologise ever since but I thought you hated me."

"I did." His heart sank at her sharp tone. "I hated that you even thought of me like that." He shut his eyes waiting for her to reject him again. "I've only ever wanted you."

His eyes shoot open and he stares at her in disbelief a tear running down her cheek. He rushes forward to comfort her but she raises her leg, her foot on his chest preventing him from getting any closer.

She wipes the moisture from her eyes and drys her face on the back of her sleeve. "Don't think for one second that I have forgiven you. You will have to earn that but,,," She let's her leg drop away from his chest. ",,I'm willing to give us another try."

He stared at her for the longest time thinking he had misheard her. But then it clicked and he quickly closed the gap between them, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her deeply. When they eventually broke the kiss her hands came to rest on his. He was so happy right now he thought his heart might explode.

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