Chapter78 - Thanks

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You spent the rest of the day cuddled together, Katsuki was even trying to make you stay put and let him bring dinner to you but you refused. He protested a lot but gave in when you turned on the big puppy dog eyes.

In the end you had an early dinner, which Katsuki insisted on cooking, spicy butadon, the smell of the grilled pork filled the kitchen and the halls and before long there was some hungry eyes looking over Katsuki's shoulder.

"Please bro,,," Kirishima pleaded, "It smells so good." He wiped the drool from his chin as he stood there with his begging bowl.

"Fuck off and cook your own god damn food." Katsuki growled, pushing the red head away. Even with all his grumbling you could tell he was happy and in the end he gave in and made enough to share. In fact there was plenty there to feed at least half the dorm.

You ate together with Kirishima, Mina and some of the others, much to Katsuki's annoyance or so he'd make everyone believe but you could tell he was happy that everyone was enjoying the food he made. When all was done you relaxed in the common room with the others playing video games for the rest of the evening.

Your eyes fluttered open when you felt someones hand rub past your ears. "Come on dumbass, bed!" Katsuki whispered as he continued to run his fingers through your hair. You yawned and stretched, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

Looking around you see a few other drowsy heads, you give them a sleepy smile as you trudge off to bed, Katsuki leading the way.

****Smut Warning****

"Thank you for yesterday." You snuggled up to Katsuki as he got back into bed after his shower. He wasn't long back from his morning work out with Kirishima and the fresh smell of soap filled your senses.

He just grunted and wrapped his arm around you before opening a text book. "Meh, I guess you owe me one then." He smirked.

You raise a brow and look up at him, "Oh I think we can work something out." You take the book out of his hands as you straddle him. Tossing the book aside and kissing him deeply as your hips grind against his.

His hands snaked up your thighs to your waist as you continue to grind against him, you break the kiss and begin to nip at his neck, your hands finding their way under his shirt.

Your fingers trace along his defined abs and chest as you drag his shirt up and over his head, you then move down his body kissing along the way until you get to his waistband.

You smirk up at him as you slowly remove his sweats, when suddenly something slaps you in the face and Katsuki started sniggering. His laughs quickly turned into a gasp as you take every inch of him into your mouth.

Squelch, suck, schlick, slurp your mouth had never made so much noise without forming a single word. Katsuki's nails scraped along your scalp as his fingers tangled in your hair. "Fuc,,,ck me,,,,uuuggghhh." Your tongue traced his erection as your head bobbed up and down.

You could tell he was close, the tell tale twitch of his dick against your tongue was a dead give away. Your tail was flicking from side to side but when Katsuki was about to come he accidentally pulled your ear when he was gripping your hair and that caused the fur on your tail to bristle.

When he finally let you go you sat back licking your lips, he had his arm draped across his face and was breathing heavily. The flush of red on his cheeks made you forget about him tugging on your ear.

Instead you moved back to straddling him. He peeked out from under his arm when he felt you move, you smirked at him and leaned in for a kiss. He moved his arm and wrapped it around you dragging you closer into the kiss.

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