Chapter 56 - Masaru

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You were still in the stitches laughing when you heard a male voice at the front door.

"Hello, I'm home."

A friendly face poked into the room from the hallway. "Oh we have a guest and was that Katsuki I heard shouting in the kitchen?" He entered the room and saw what was in Mitsuki's hands.

Realisation crossed his face. "Mitsuki darling, you know how he feels about those pictures." He hung his head and sighed. "I'm sorry that you were dragged into their pettiness. I'm Masaru Bakugo."

The man had such a gentle manor about him which made it hard to believe he was Katsuki's father. "Oh hello sir, I'm Y/N L/N, Katsuki's, um,,,"

You were cut short when Mitsuki butted in. "She is dating the brat, can you believe it?" Mitsuki threw an arm around you and dragged you back to the sofa.

The three of you sat and chatted while Katsuki finished cooking. Masaru told you all about how he and Mitsuki met and how he worked in the fashion industry, which explained how Mitsuki was so good with a sewing machine.

You looked through more of the photos and listened to the sweet stories behind them. Suddenly the sitting room door flung open and Katsuki glared at all three of you and growled. "Foods ready."

Your tail wags happily as the delicious smells met your nose. Your mouth began to water as you hopped up from your seat.

"Mmm, smells good Katsuki," Masaru patted his son on the shoulder. "Nice to have you home."

Dinner was a bit chaotic with Katsuki and Mitsuki shouting at each other and Masaru trying to quiet them. It was a strange family dynamic compared to your own but you could tell they loved each other in their own unique way.

It was an interesting evening to say the least and you enjoyed every minute of it. When dinner was done Masaru offered to clean up and Mitsuki went to finish off the last of the clothes that needed altering.

You and Katsuki retreated to the sitting room where he flopped on the sofa. "You mention those photos to anyone and I'll kill you."

You looked at him in mock surprise. "You wouldn't hurt little old me would you Katsuki." You cooed in your sweetest voice as you snuggled up to him on the sofa.

He sighed and put his arm around you as he flicked through the channels to find something to watch. He settled on some stupid comedy film and set the remote aside.

Katsuki's Point of View

The movie was ending before he noticed that you had dozed off, you were out for the count your head now in his lap. He ran his fingers through your hair and smiled at the soft snores you were making.

Masaru entered the room once all the clean up was done and smiled as soon as he saw you sleeping in Katsuki's lap. He smiled at the scene and sat in a chair across the room.

"You should probably put her to bed. I'll call the school and let them know you'll be staying the night." Masaru whispered.

"She can use the guest room." He looked at Katsuki with an unusually stern eye.

"Tch, I know,,,, geez old man what kind of fool do you take me for." Katsuki lifted you from the sofa with ease, you stirred for a moment but snuggled into his chest and relaxed again.

He carried you up the stairs to the spare room. When he placed you on the bed he kissed your forehead and rubbed your ears, after a minute your eyes fluttered open. "Hmm, whats going on?" You rub your eyes.

"We're staying the night." He left the room but returned a moment later. "Here, the old hag said you could borrow these." He tossed a pyjamas at you and turned around.

You yawned and stretched as you changed and climbed into the cosy bed without a second thought.

Katsuki leaned in and kissed your head again before leaving the room. "Night dumbass."

He went back to the sitting room as his father was hanging up the phone. "Your teachers know you are staying and arranged a patrol in the area as a precaution."

Katsuki sits back on the sofa and stares at the tv. "She seems like a nice girl." Masaru said out of no where. "Be kind to her." He then got up and left Katsuki alone.

"Hmm, stupid old man," He huffed to himself. "Gagh, this was a stupid fucking idea." He buried his face in his hands. Why the fuck did he introduce you to the old man and that hag?

He should have known they would be weird and that damn hag had to show her the fucking album. Katsuki stayed like that for a short while before punching the sofa and heading up stairs to his own room.

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